Monday, September 30, 2019
The Charmer
â€Å"The Charmer†by Budge Wilson is a short story that displays the important of the role of family circulating through a main character named Zack. Just as any family, the parent has an important role that is to love, forgive and care for their children; but Zack’s failure was affected by these factors in his family. The love, forgiveness and lack of discipline from all family members create Zack’s childhood character and his adulthood down fall. First of all, growing up as a happy and popular young man, Zack creates himself the prefect reputation with lots of room for love and smothering from his mother and two sisters.They love him so much and show this love by being at his every beckoning. According to Winnifred, â€Å"I was Zachary’s willing slave. Slavery, in fact, was in vogue in our house. †(Wilson, 102), Zack is overwhelmed with love and good deeds sent in his direction. He takes advantage of these kind gestures and never really apprecia tes what his family has done for him. Besides that, the family also gives him so much love just because â€Å"he was the only son, the only brother, the oldest child in the family†(103).He is spoiled by such irrational blind love, and that leads him to being a selfish and irresponsible person. That is why he starts to a have a sign of a â€Å"real evil†(103) when he is still young. In opposite, if his parent shares their love to his sisters, he would have learnt how to love and share responsibilities. Secondly, Zack’s bad behaviours also develop from his parent’s forgiveness. He dares to eat the cake that his mom makes for the church bazaar; and, he uses just some flattery words to fool his mom into forgiveness: â€Å"Go ahead. Have another piece.You certainly are the limit! †(102). He is taught that he can do something knowing he should not and stand a very good chance getting away with it. Zack makes mistakes but gets away without punishment o r a good lesson. His down fall continues with lies, stealing money, smoking, drinking, smashing the family’s car, dumping his Dad’s toolbox, etc. , during his teenager age. He even takes the family car when they need to go see Lizzie on her dead bed, â€Å"but Mom forgave him everything†because â€Å"he’s sensitive, he’s taking it hard, and he can’t face what ahead for us. (104). His mother thinks that letting her son run free is good for him but actually just makes him worst. His mother thinks that he is suffering but actually he does not care for any one other than himself. Wrongfully forgiveness is a counteraction that also affect to Zack’s failure. At the age of twenty-four, he is still living at home, looses his job one after another, and plunges himself into drinking and gambling. Finally, the lack of discipline in the family, especially from Zack’s father, is also a key factor to Zack’s debouching.His father mak es mistake of not saying or doing anything about his disagreement with the way Zack is treated, the bad behaviours Zack encountered. Winnifred describes that: â€Å"Even Dad took a long time to wake up†and â€Å"he would just leave the room and go out to his work shed and sit and rock and rock in that old chair of his†(103). The father is the male role model in a family. He knows about Zack’s problem, he knows about Zack’s bad behaviours, but why he does not act until it’s too late? Without discipline, Zack never learns from his mistake.Besides that, Zack’s mother also lacks in parental and discipline. Every time Zack acts as prodigal son, he â€Å"always left Mom in tatters†(103). This caption shows soften in his mother’s heart that makes she forget about the role of a parent when her son makes mistake. She is afraid her son would think bad of her, maybe even hate her if she applies discipline on him. When his Dad gives him two choices: stay with discipline or leave; Zack chooses to leave the family and end up destroying his life in gambling and drinking.In a family, love and forgiveness and discipline is really necessary present and being applied reasonable. Excessive love will become blind love. The parent sometimes has to put their love aside, and do what is best for their child. Forgiveness is necessary but if a parent forgives too easily, the child will take advantage of his rights. Although, with that comes discipline, less suffering will follow. A family is the foundation of a society and family really affects to the success or failure of each person in life. Hopefully through this story, readers will get a lesson about how to raise their children properly.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Management administration Essay
1. Do you think MacTemps should have changed its hiring strategy? Explain This strategies are good on firm`s hiring strategy. First of all, CEO have strong mind to rectify the problems, thus all of this firm`s managers and employee`s are effort to this strategies. To bring in entry-level employees who reflect the ethnic composition of the countries in which it would like to do business is improved new employee`s lnvolvement of firm`s culture, then some employee promoted high level of manager, this firm`s strategy is going on the future. And performance related promotion is enough to minority ethnic`s motivation for all about firm`s policy, so I`m confident this policies improved firm`s hiring strategy. 2. Do you foresee any problems with the changes that chuang instituted? Explain. If hiring strategy is change, some problems remained after changing strategy, For example, if black person is promoted high level of manager, he or she help more same ethnic group of people, this case is problem of hiring strategy, otherwise, if white people is promoted high level of manager, this manager help more same ethnic(white) people. Also, this firm is temporary staffing firm, historically, their customers want more white people, So, MacTemps preceded their customer`s stereotypes. Though improving their customer`s stereotype, this situation help to improve firm`s rectified the problem. 3. What should the diversity goals of MacTemps be? Firm`s CEO John Chuang should have know to Affirmative action. Now he doesn`t understand meaning of real diversity. Because he is minority person, He is minority but he is CEO`S of large company. But his firm`s employee does not same situation. MacTemps ` composition is skewed toward secretarial and clerical jobs, the people with the most experience tended to be white females, for achieving diversity goals of MacTemps, modified this flow, and balance to employee`s composition rate of ethnic and minority group. So most positive situations are anyone have discrimination in their task, and rectified people`s prejudice. 4. If MacTemps also provides temporary employees for firms in other countries, how might managers in other countries view Chuang`s staffing policies? If MacTemps provide their service for in other countries, there`s polices help improving their service level in other countries. Because if firm`s conduct service in another countries, they need to native people, in this situation, firm`s employed there native people, ultimately native peoples are minority group. So if organizations have good policy for minority people, more probability of success abroad market. Also high level of manager should effort to harmonized existing people with new employees( other countries people).
Friday, September 27, 2019
Warehouse Operations Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Warehouse Operations - Term Paper Example The volume of goods to be transported and stored, the required mode of through put, the validity of the location as a transit point, the availability of area, the location for breaking bulk are some aspects that should be considered before setting up the warehouse. The selection of the location for the warehouse should be followed by the planning and designing of the warehouse on terms of space and design. The consideration of space layout , convenient storage space for different types of items, storage requirements, duration of inventorying, security of the goods, parking facilities for the transportation vehicles like fleets of trucks etc. should be done in the warehousing planning and designing process (Gunasekarana, Patel and McGaugheyc, 2004). The availability of handling equipment, loading trucks, access to labor resources and condition of the site are to be considered in the design of the warehouse as well. Workforce management is critical in the establishment and continuity of operations in a warehouse. A motivated, optimistic, well trained, skilled and enthusiastic workforce in then supply chain is indispensable for achieving competitive and strategic advantage for a logistics and supply chain business like Strategic Warehouse Management Inc. (SWM). A warehousing organization is a part of the macro supply chain and logistics management of companies functioning at a global scale. This involves the storage and movement of huge volumes of products. The products are not capable of moving by themselves. It takes a well-trained and efficient employee base in the organization so that the competitive logistics and warehousing operations are carried out in an efficient manner. The employees in the warehouse should be trained properly and specific steps should be taken by the organization to ensure that each of the employees understand his job well and
Antigone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6
Antigone - Essay Example Haemon is in love with Antigone. Creon rules that he will spare Ismene and bury Antigone alive were not for the intervention of Tiresias, the blind prophet. The twist of events results to Antigone hanging herself while Haemon kills himself together with her mother, Eurydice. Antigone has the character of a rebellious girl that is noble and wise. She is defiant of the rules that are given by Creon and goes on to have her way. She is truthful, she does not refuse that she buried her brother. She is courageous since she took the body to go and bury. In addition, she is an intelligent character. Her sister, Ismene is a coward; she is not easily persuaded and is a person that likes to play safe. Besides, she is submissive, kind and obedient. Creon’s pride is evident, he refuses to intervene after the prophesy causing him the life of his son and wife. Eurydice, on the other hand is demonstrated as weak hearted and emotional. Haemon is bold and stands with his lover despite his father’s decrees. Antigone is a play that arouses emotions as well as leaves some lessons to be learnt. The character Antigone inspired me to take up anything that I commit myself to do irrespective of the consequences, only given that it is done for the right motive. Being a woman and having lost her brothers, falling apart with her sister having not yet married could have discouraged hence making her obey the decree. She risked her life and went ahead to have her way. On the other hand the essence of humility has been emphasized irrespective of the social or political status. If Creon heeded to the prophet’s advice, he would not have lost his family. Finally, the play ends on a sad mote with the death of a potential couple that had demonstrated heroism in the play, Haemon and
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Budget cuts on education in california Research Paper
Budget cuts on education in california - Research Paper Example Now one might ask why this would be caused. Budgets cuts are affecting students the most. They are paying for less and because of the cuts campuses are stretching their resources. As the state continues to reduce funding levels, the system will most likely continue to raise fees for the operational costs of the schools. (Newell) The combination of rising unemployment, declining consumer spending, declining asset values, and foreclosures has led to declining state revenues. And the number of people in poverty is growing, adding costs to state budgets for programs such as Medicaid and social services. Education is by far the largest component of state budgets. Some 46 percent of all state general fund expenditures is devoted to elementary, secondary, and higher education.(Johnson) According to Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, California is reducing funds towards K-12 education as well as reducing the length of the school year. Doing this is thought to lower the misfortunes of the recession, as well as giving us a kick start in improving our debt. Now this is an argument for why cutting school will be beneficial to the state of California. Unfortunately, what also goes along cutting education is the money given to students who are unable to fully pay tuition. Therefore, the state of California has also decided to cut grants which in turn will lower the chances of many intelligent individuals who suffer from poverty to enroll in a well known University. Both of Californias public college systems raised their fees recently. California State University trustees approved a 5 percent increase for next semester, and University of California regents passed an 8 percent increase for fall 2011.Those hikes are on top of repeated increases over the past few years (Guerra). With all these cuts and rising tuition this will cause a major downfall in the uprising of many intelligent individuals. California will fall back on education and this will
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Your opinion about illegal immigration ( is it good or bad for the Essay
Your opinion about illegal immigration ( is it good or bad for the U.S.) - Essay Example Looking to explore immigration policies and the recent desire in the United States to allow immigrants to apply for legal immigration despite the fact that many have resided in the United States illegally for years, the following essay will argue that the United States has a duty to protect the most vulnerable citizens of the world. Accordingly, this essay will argue that the legalization of migrant workers is a positive step for the United States of America (Pew Research Center, 2009). Migration is an important issue which is gaining increasing attention in an era of economic interdependence, the movement of people across borders and the globalization phenomenon. Today, it is estimated that up to million people live in the United States illegally as undocumented workers and illegal aliens (Pew Research Center, 2009). Why do people choose to migrate from one place to another? Economic opportunity is one of the most important factors which draws people to the United States of America, the unequivocal land of opportunity. Accordingly, the decision of the Irish to immigrate to the United States during the height of the Potato Famine – it estimated that approximately 3.5 million Irishmen and women immigrated to the United States alone from 1820 to 1880 – supports some the idea that economic opportunity draws people to the United States. As a result, extreme and unfavorable conditions in Ireland paved the way for a large influx of migrants to the United St ates following economic crisis in the homeland. According to the Pew Research Center, California is the home of the largest number of undocumented workers and illegal migrants, largely as a result of the belief of opportunity in that state. Immigrants today, particularly from the poorer regions of the world, immigrate to the United States for similar reasons and their status should be legalized in order to facilitate the growth of this country, a nation of immigrants since it
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Philosophers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Philosophers - Essay Example His life is so blended with myths that today nobody can actually say what is true and what is legend about him (according to some legends, he was born at 62, after growing in his mother womb until that age). Some place his existence during the same period with that of Confucius', others centuries later, while others just argue the fact that he ever existed. Due to the major impact on people's life, Lao-Tzu is sometimes considered a divinity, or, at least a messenger of a Divine force. His constant efforts to teach the others how to respect order and harmony at all levels have materialized into the work that is presently known as Laozi. These writings have numerous interpretations, from various points of view, and are still arising philosophical debates. The Daoistic influences on Chinese culture, literature, philosophy and religion are incontestable. This ancient humanistic move hasn't only influenced the Chinese; Daoism is practically the support of many religions and cultures throughout Asia (Hong Kong, Taiwan and parts of Southeast Asia), an undeniable fact that clearly makes its founders remarkable people. With Bertrand Russell, mathematical logic and analytic philosophy meet, blend and create one revolutionist perception over words, language and implication. Our verbal mechanisms are studied and explained in a work that will become the foundation of the analytic philosophy of our times. ... His early studies in the field of mathematics had a surprisingly prolific result in the field of philosophy; he explored the uncertain, but fascinating fields of logical and philosophical mixture, aiming to answer that one, impossible and tormenting question about knowledge: is it really possible for humans to really know anything Maybe the motto of his quest should be precisely his question: "there is one great question [...] Can human beings know anything, and if so, what and how This question is really the most essentially philosophical of all questions." Russell's social and political philosophy has also had a great impact on the society of his times: he was a fierce opponent of nuclear weapons, and, generally, of any kind of forced attempt to disturb the natural social and cultural balance. Although his activism has brought him a great deal of trouble (beginning with his anti-war protests during the First World War and continuing through all his life), he never ceased to influence, educate and inform generations of readers through his inspiring writings on the social and political and philosophical issues of his day. Maybe no other quote could speak more about Andy Clark's work: "As our worlds become smarter, and get to know us better and better it becomes harder and harder to say where the world stops and the person begins. The Professor of Philosophy and at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, thus expresses one of our days most pregnant anxieties: are we becoming the robots that we have dreamed to build Are we so influenced by the reality of the virtual world that we ourselves are becoming more machine-like than human-like creatures The contemporary cognitive scientist explores the
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Advantages of Steel in Building Construction Assignment
The Advantages of Steel in Building Construction - Assignment Example Another aspect that can no longer be neglected is the environment, both inside as well as outside the building is to be considered and given the high level of consideration in design and construction of the building. Latest advances in technology and high appraisal in energy has influenced the mindset of the client to select and use energy efficient products and design, even if they cost a bit more in the start but they eventually pay back their expenses. It is no longer a choice but a compulsion for designers and constructors to save energy as well as environment and at the same time it’s the client’s and his real estates adviser’s social responsibility to dictate these terms in the facility’s construction and have knowledge as well as encourage these technologies as much as possible. There are mainly two types of spaces that are to be constructed as the part of the establishment. The first part is the 12 storey Headquarter block whose height would be around 40m, this would be just a typical office building and the spaces would be designed in a similar manner. The second requirement of the client in the facility is of a showroom/ retail facility which is going to be constructed just in front of the main office block, this separate facility would be used for the display of different products and so the space requirement of this would be entirely different from that of the office block. The basic requirements of this space are that it should be a single storey and 35 m wide span, these attributes make this part of establishment unique and this structure has to be designed accordingly. The third and the most governing requirement of the client in the construction is that the time for construction should be as short as possible and the facility should be brought into service in minimum time period and the last requirement which would dictate the construction and its techniques as a whole is that the facility should eco friendly at all its levels both during the construction phase and during the service life as well.Â
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Determinism and the benefits of Taylors theory Essay Example for Free
Determinism and the benefits of Taylors theory Essay In Metaphysics Richard Taylor outlines the different views on the concept of freedom. The traditional view is that of the compatibilists which states that freedom is the ability to act, or not to act, according to the determinations of the will. It is so defined to make it compatible with the theory of determinism, which essentially states that all actions have a causal explanation due to the state of the world in the moment previous. However, the definition is clearly inadequate due to the fundamental flaws of determinism and its failure to account for deliberation or personal choice. A superior alternative is offered by what Taylor calls the theory of agency, but is more commonly known as libertarianism. In discussing a theory one must start with some data in order to prove the validity of the theory, and in discussing determinism this is no different. Two suitable criteria dealing with the decision making process are: firstly that we at times deliberate with the view of making a decision , and secondly regardless of whether I deliberate I sometimes have a personal choice in the decision making process. These criteria are ideal because they are both things that we as individuals are fairly certain of so any acceptable theory must account for them in some way. For common sense, a virtue in argumentation, suggests that it is easier to accept the veracity of partial self-determination in the decision making process than an abstract philosophical theory. To asses the applicability of the data to determinism a more in depth examination of determinism is needed, which Taylor defines as having three tenets: Firstly, that the theory of determinism is true. Secondly, that voluntary behaviour is free unless constrained, and finally that causes of voluntary behaviour are certain states, condition, decisions, and desires. The principle problem of determinism is precisely this last tenet, for what are the causes of the inner states that cause my actions? Where do they come from? Are they under my control? If determinism is true then the problem of infinite causality arises for the causes of the actions must themselves have causes. When applied to the two original data the infinite causality of determinism renders these data false. Take deliberation as an example. I can deliberate only about future actions, but there are always causes to everything I do making the outcome of the deliberation inevitable and the process itself irrelevant. The incompatibility of determinism and deliberation does not bode well for the second datum, as if I am to have a personal choice in an action then I must be able to concretely execute any of the options associated with the action. But if determinism is true there can again only be one option due to the chain of causes thus negating the option of personal choice. A better theory, one that incorporates these two essential data is what Taylor calls the theory of agency, but is more commonly known as libertarianism, which postulates that human beings are frequently, but not always, self-determining beings. To further understand the theory of agency and thus its advantages it is first necessary to examine how it deals with the causation of actions. If an individual is relatively free in his decision making it follows that the individual agent can be considered a cause for the resulting action. For example, if I move my hand then the obvious cause of the motion is me and not some infinite series of causes. The lack of such a sequence of causes, unlike the one put forward by determinism, is an advantage for it allows the theory of agency to be rid of the problems of determinism discussed above. Moreover this allows libertarianism to incorporate the two criteria originally put forth. Under libertarianism deliberation becomes not just possible, but quite logical as it makes sense to ponder a matter over which I have control of the outcome. Then obviously, if I am at least a partially self-determining entity then I have a fair amount of personal choice in what course of action I should pursue. Aside from avoiding the problems of determinism, perhaps libertarianisms greatest advantage is its common sense appeal. For example, if I am considering whether to order a Big Mac for lunch or a McChicken, it makes much more sense to me that through deliberation I can choose which sandwich I would like to eat, rather than the existence of some infinite chain of events that pre-determines that I will eat a Big Mac. It is of course necessary to acknowledge that common sense and simplicity are not absolute truths, but as Bertrand Russell wrote, in support of common sense, in The Problems of Philosophy, Since this belief [in the existence of physical objects] does not lead to any difficulties, but on the contrary tends to simplify and systemize our account of our experiences, there seems no good reason for rejecting it. (Russell, 24) While Russell was addressing another problem the logic of common sense he applied most definitely applies to the case at hand as well. As a concluding argument in favour of libertarianism consider, the very fact of reading and grading this essay. If determinism were true then this essays grade would have long been pre-determined by a series of causes stretching back to before its very creation thus rendering useless the whole process. Texts Cited Russell, B. Problems of Philosophy. Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1997. Taylor, R. Metaphysics. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice Hall, 1993
Saturday, September 21, 2019
A Hostile Work Environment Commerce Essay
A Hostile Work Environment Commerce Essay This compensation can come in the form of salary increase or bonus. If someone feels they are not being rewarded or even considered for an increase they very often look to move somewhere else that they can receive a higher salary. A hostile work environment is also a major reason that employees felt demotivated. When an employee feels that their work environment is not safe or that they are treated unfairly they may often look to leave. Many times they do not try to confront the situation, but instead would prefer to just avoid it which greatly dissatisfies them and which would in turn prevent the organization from retaining its employees. Problem Statement In this research study, the motivating factors which are not being implemented due to which Ufone is facing trouble to retain its employees Research Question What are the motivating factors that will lead to employee retention at Ufone? Rationale of the study The basic premise for studying the Human Resource Management Practices (HR) and Employee Retention in relation to level of motivation of employees at Ufone is to assess the importance being attached to these vital aspects by the organizations concerned and to develop an understanding of the relationship between the overall manner in which motivation has subsequent impact on the willingness of the employees to stay with the organization. Its the need of today for us to analyze the important role played by the ability of the organizations to retain competent employees for developing distinctive competencies for an organization. This report can be useful for different people for organization and employers who are planning to retain talented employees and are faced by lack of employee turnover. In todays emergent world, the Telecom industry is expanding immensely and the 2nd largest sector in Pakistan. It is essential to conduct research on telecom related topics in order to create a better understanding of the sector and help to increase the revenue generated from this sector for the government and for itself, having a positive effect on the economy too. Institutions are being reshaped to adjust to a postindustrial society. Naisbitt suggested that motivational implications are very important; most of our economy continues to shift from manufacturing to service and information jobs. In an ever raging battle of surpassing each other, organizations with distinctive competencies out perform their competitors. To gain and maintain competitive advantage an organization uses every possible mean available to it in its battery of resources. Marketers and multinationals would want their competent employees to stay within the organization, thus they would want to find out the motivating factors that lead to employee retention. The present research focuses on exploratory goals such as analyzing the motivating factors that lead to employee retention, which in turn effects the over all performance of the company. Research Objective To explore factors that lead to employee retention. To analyze if working environment plays an important role in the motivation process To access the recognition of work and its impact To analyze the amount of influence training has when it comes to motivating employees To find out what are the challenges and bottle necks preventing Ufone from enhancing the employee productivity and in retaining talent. To find out the importance that motivation holds for employees in order to stay with-in the organization. To asses whether empowerment and delegation of authority gives an employee a sense of responsibility To explore if internal and external factor would help increase the motivation process To analyze the amount of influence that motivation at Ufone has on its employees. Scope of the study This study is restricted to the motivating factors that would lead to employee retention at Ufone. In this research secondary data is obtained from sources such as published articles and reports while primary data is gathered through interviews and questionnaires survey from the employees of Ufone. This report can be useful for Ufone, its head of departments and the institutions which would bring into light the problems and how to prevent those factors that lead to employees being demotivated and how a company can retain its employees.                                   CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW In the business world, motivation is the word used to describe the drive that impels an individual to work. A truly motivated employee is one who wants to work, if employees know what strengthens and weakens their motivation, they can often perform more effectively and help themselves find more satisfaction in their jobs. Employers also want to know what motivates their employees so that they can encourage continued peak performance (Halloran, 1986).  A lot of research has been done on the study of motivation and it can be traced back to the writing of the ancient Greek philosophers. Hedonism has given a basic assumption in the prevailing economic and social philosophies of Adam Smith, Jeremy Bentham, and John Stuart Mill who explained motivation in terms of people trying to maximize pleasure and minimize pain.  Motivation is a personal drive to act in order to satisfy ones needs. It comes from within the individual. It creates a drive to act, which may be influenced by some external stimulus. Employee retention is an important factor in an organizations ability to achieve sustained competitive advantage over a longer period of time. Besides this aspect a failure to retain competent employees leads to a numerous other problems. Retaining good employees is critical to a firms long term success. In the engineering and business markets, employee retention is extremely serious since the job market is tight and competition is very intense for candidates. The main factors in retaining employees include, corporate brand identity, employee intention to remain, organizational culture, self-esteem, need for achievement. The cost of employee turnover adds hundreds of thousands of money to a companys expenses. While it is difficult to fully calculate the cost of turnover (including hiring costs, training costs and productivity loss) industry experts often quote 25% of the average employee salary as a conservative estimate. When an employee leaves, he takes with him valuable knowledge about the company, customers, current projects and past history (sometimes to the competitors). Often much time and money has been spent on the employee in expectation of a future return. When the employee leaves, the investment is not realized. Customers and clients do business with a company in part because of the people. Relationships are developed that encourage continued sponsor ship of the business. When and employee leaves the relationships that employee built for the company are severed which could lead to potential customer loss. If an employee resigns then good amount of time is lost in hiring a new employee and then training him/her and this goes to the loss of the company directly which many a times goes unnoticed. And even after this a company cannot assure the same efficiency from the new employee.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The relationship between self-esteem, depression and anger
The relationship between self-esteem, depression and anger Many researchers like Kaplan, (1982); Rosenberg et al., (1989); Ross Broh, (2000) cited that, the level of self-esteem is widely recognized as a central aspect of psychological functioning and well-being and is strongly related to many other variables. White (2002) stated that If a problem is not biological in origin, then it will almost always be traceable to poor self-esteem. In fact, many psychotherapists have noted a direct relationship between self-esteem and mental health (Rogers, 1961; Coopersmith, 1967). Research has also shown that low self-esteem is associated with various psychological and behavioral problems. For e.g. Leary, (1999) suggests that, low self-esteem is related to a variety of psychological difficulties and personal problems, such as substance abuse, loneliness, academic failure, teenage pregnancy, and criminal behavior. People with low self-esteem tend to attribute any successes they have to luck rather than to their own abilities. Those with high self-esteem will tend to attribute their successes to qualities within themselves (Covey, 1989). Baumeister his colleagues (e.g., Baumeister, 1993; Baumeister, Smart, Boden, 1996) found that behaviors and outcomes are often more variable for people high in self-esteem than for people low in self-esteem. Previous literature suggests that low self-esteem is associated with possible risk factor like depression, low self-esteem, anger, and anxiety. Self- esteem is a complex, multi-dimensional construct with multiple sources, and has other facets as potential risk factors for depression (Kwan et al., 2009). Researchers such as, Carlson, Uppal, Prosser (2000) reported that low self-esteem, in general, is of concern because of its association with depression, suicide, delinquency, substance use, and lower academic achievement. Carpenito-Moyet (2008) suggests that low self-esteem may be an indicator of susceptibility to depression, which is an important predictor of suicidal tendencies. Harter Marold, (1994) suggests that low self-esteem has been associated with depression and suicidal ideas. Roberts Monroe (1994) proposed a general theoretical account of the role of self-esteem in depression. They acknowledged that low self-esteem has often been proposed as a risk factor that creates a vulnerability to depression, but concluded that in research, level of self-esteem has failed to emerge as a robust predictor of the onset of depression. They proposed that vulnerability to depression accompanies unstable self-esteem (i.e., self-esteem that is prone to fluctuate across time), as well as self-esteem based on relatively few and unreliable sources. It is well-established that high self-esteem is related to positive adjustment, general well-being and mental health in adolescence and also to fewer internalizing and externalizing problems (e.g. Ouvinen- Birgerstam, 1999; Steinhausen and Winkler Metzke, 2001; Ybrandt, 2008). Further literature suggests that, mental health problems of adolescents may be caused by a negative psychological trait, such as low self-esteem (Hurrelmann Losel, 1990). A Correlational data implicate low self-esteem in a host of social and academic problems, including poor school achievement, aggression, substance abuse, eating disorders, and teenage pregnancy (Dawes, 1994; Mecca, Smelser, Vasconcellos, 1989; Scheff, Retzinger, Ryan, 1989). Rosenberg (1985) pointed out that there is a relationship between self-esteem and depression. Adolescents with low self-esteem report more depression than those with a higher self-esteem. The evidence of the relationship between low self-esteem and a higher rate of depression in adolescents was further supported in subsequent studies (Byrne, 2000; Kim, 2003). Self-esteem is related to numerous emotional states. It has been linked to anxiety and depression in the clinical literature (Mineka,Watson, Clark, 1998), to pride and shame in the developmental literature (Tangney Fischer, 1995), to happiness and contentment in personality psychology (Diener Diener, 1995), and to anger and hostility in social psychology (Bushman Baumeister, 1998; Kernis, Grannemann, Barclay, 1989). Self-esteem provides a fundamental role in the behavior and mental health of adolescents. There is some evidence that the mental health problems of adolescents may be caused by a negative psychological trait, such as low self-esteem (Hurrelmann Losel, 1990). According to Bandura (1986) social adjustment, activity engagement, goal direction and self-confidence, and the presence of anxiety are all elements in a childs development and functioning that are influenced by his/her self-esteem. Many other researchers like Bolognini, et al., (1996); Harter (1999); Hoffmann, Baldwin, Cerbone, (2003); Kaplan, (1996); Stacy, et al., (1992) also emphasized self-esteem is an important indicator of general well-being and adolescents with lower levels of self-esteem often experience negative outcomes, including depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and dissatisfaction with life. According to Piko Fitzpatrick (2003) consistent with a resilience framework, scholars suggest that self-esteem serves as a protective factor by insulating youth from stress that stems from negative life events, and specifically, protecting against depression. Melnyk et al. (2006) found that adolescents with high self-esteem have a strong belief in their ability to engage in a healthy lifestyle. People with high but unstable self-esteem score higher on measures of hostility than do people with low self-esteem (whether stable or unstable), whereas people with high but stable self- esteem are the least hosti le (Kernis, Grannemann, Barclay, 1989). It may be important to emphasize that apart from General Well-Being, personality constructs, like high self-esteem have been shown to act as protective factors against psychopathology in adolescents (McDonald OHara, 2003). Dew Huebner (1994) found that well-being forms significant positive associations with self-esteem measures. In Pakistan, Riaz, Bilal Rizwan, (2007) found that self-esteem is significant predictor of aggression and specifically physical aggression and anger were significantly predicted by low self-esteem. With respect to emotional and social consequences, anger has been associated with increased anxiety, reduced self-esteem, damage to social relationships (Deffenbacher et al. 1996), and depression (Picardi et al., 2004). Many researchers have explored ways that socially structured inequality shapes an array of emotional/mental health outcomes, usually depression or anxiety (McLeod and Nonnemaker 1999; Turner et al. 1995) and, more recently, anger (Ross and Van Willigen 1997; Schieman 1999). One of the major reasons of psychological problems like low self-esteem, depression, and anger among adolescents of minority status is due to prejudice and discrimination of the society. Sociologists who study emotions have sought to document and describe the emotional correlates and consequences of social stratification (Smith-Lovin 1995). Adolescents of minority status are subjected to an array of derogatory and unpleasant experiences. All these experiences result in negative self-evaluation. According to Jacques Chason, (1977) minority or low status groups judge themselves as a group less positively than the member of the majority or high status group. All the researches cited in the literature review of the study, however, indicate that a Western evaluation of adolescents self-esteem, depression, and anger is hard to replicate for the indigenous adolescents minority population of Pakistan. Research on minority adolescents in Pakistan is negligible and hardly provides any basis for valid assertion about the state of affairs and the remedies, if ever adapted by authority figures, to improve the mental well-being of the target population. This study will highlight issues related to minority adolescents self-esteem, depression, anger, and will shed light on the ways mental well-being of the target group can be improved.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Treastie on thinking :: essays research papers
What you are about to read are only my thoughts. The thoughts in which I would pay any amount of money not to behold for I wish I could be simple minded and just follow instead of being damned with holding thoughts that no one else shares. The whole idea, man governing man is simply ridiculous. What gives any man the idea that he is in some way more powerful than any others? Man just has to realize that government is pointless. However I am not a fool and understand that in the society we live in government is essential. Man always needs to feel that everything just peachy. A government is just people who want to be apart of something. They live in the same society so they feel as though they share the same ideas. When in fact no one knows what his ideas actually are for the damned society IS the only government we know. And by society do not mean the media, that is just part of it. I mean everything that we do; all of our lively actions are controlled by the media. People try to be different by becoming gothic when that only gives everyone else to raise an eyebrow to. â€Å"Goths†are people who do not agree with the current society so they dress differently and bitch and complain about no one understanding the m, instead of expressing there thoughts in a manner that the current society would could try to understand. If man would just open their minds instead of only living to prepare. We prepare our kids for kindergarten only to prepare for elementary school where you prepare for high school, their u only prepare for college or to enter the work force. In the work force you prepare for promotions. Then you prepare for retirement. Only to live your final years preparing for death. The whole time only eating a cake and drinking a beer to find some escape from this horrible cycle. I know I am just writing this pointless treatise is only adding to the whole cycle. I am being a simple-minded hypocrite. I go through life accepting society, and only on occasion sit back and just think, trying some way to grasp this whole.. Thing. You may have any opinion you want I only ask that u base on it on actual feelings and not your brain, which has been molded into a protocol piece of plastic that works just as everyone else’s.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Robert James, My Friend :: Personal Narrative Writing
Robert James, My Friend Robert James was missing his two front teeth. Robert James smelled really bad. Robert James came to school with chicken pox. Robert James did not have any friends. Robert James taught me things I could not believe. Robert James was my friend. I first met Robert when I was in eighth grade. We sat next to each other on the first day of Mrs. Miller's algebra class. He smelled really bad that day, by the looks of it he had not showered in a few weeks. Initially I was quite appalled by this odor, and this gave me a bad first impression of him. Robert was always nice to me though. Robert was not a very popular kid. He would have been placed in the "skanks" group, the group of kids who did not shower and came from lower income families. He moved to Goshen the summer before his eighth grade year, and he did not know anyone. He was made fun of on a daily basis, not only by the "preps," but by the "skanks" as well. It did not seem as if Robert had much going for him in his life. I was a very timid child in middle school. I had friends and people to associate with, but I was not very out going or overly talkative. I had a hard time talking to people I didn't know, and people like Robert intimidated me. This is why when I was assigned to be his math partner I was quite scared. In the first week of school Mrs. Miller assigned everyone in the class a math partner, someone who we would spend the semester working on in-class assignments. When I found out that I would be working with Robert all semester I did not know what to think. I was not particularly skilled in algebra, and I assumed that Robert would not be smart either. This was the first thing way that Robert proved me wrong. I think that Robert knew that I was scared of him. The first time we had to work together, he was overwhelmingly nice to me. He asked me all kinds of questions about myself, and helped me to relax. I nearly forgot who I was talking with, and opened up to him. Robert James, My Friend :: Personal Narrative Writing Robert James, My Friend Robert James was missing his two front teeth. Robert James smelled really bad. Robert James came to school with chicken pox. Robert James did not have any friends. Robert James taught me things I could not believe. Robert James was my friend. I first met Robert when I was in eighth grade. We sat next to each other on the first day of Mrs. Miller's algebra class. He smelled really bad that day, by the looks of it he had not showered in a few weeks. Initially I was quite appalled by this odor, and this gave me a bad first impression of him. Robert was always nice to me though. Robert was not a very popular kid. He would have been placed in the "skanks" group, the group of kids who did not shower and came from lower income families. He moved to Goshen the summer before his eighth grade year, and he did not know anyone. He was made fun of on a daily basis, not only by the "preps," but by the "skanks" as well. It did not seem as if Robert had much going for him in his life. I was a very timid child in middle school. I had friends and people to associate with, but I was not very out going or overly talkative. I had a hard time talking to people I didn't know, and people like Robert intimidated me. This is why when I was assigned to be his math partner I was quite scared. In the first week of school Mrs. Miller assigned everyone in the class a math partner, someone who we would spend the semester working on in-class assignments. When I found out that I would be working with Robert all semester I did not know what to think. I was not particularly skilled in algebra, and I assumed that Robert would not be smart either. This was the first thing way that Robert proved me wrong. I think that Robert knew that I was scared of him. The first time we had to work together, he was overwhelmingly nice to me. He asked me all kinds of questions about myself, and helped me to relax. I nearly forgot who I was talking with, and opened up to him.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Beowulf Questions Essay
1. Realize that this prologue introduces the Danes, not Beowulf or his people the Geats. What was unusual about the way Shield came to be ruler of the Danes? What was his funeral like? What relation is Hrothgar to Shield? Unlike Hrothgar, Shield became king because he had the ability to take down the enemies. Hrothgar became king through wealth. When Shield died the Danes buried him and his treasures in the sea. Hrothgar happens to be Shield’s grandson [Heorot is Attacked] (lines 86-188, pp. 34-36) 1. Grendel, the monster, attached thirty warriors while they were asleep and ran home with their bodies for a couple of nights. This devastated the Danes and the sorrow soon spread overseas. What magnificent work did Hrothgar undertake? Who attacked it, and with what result? How long did the attacks last? What was the response of the Danes? [The Hero Comes to Heorot] (Lines 189-490, pp. 36-42) 1. What does Beowulf do when he hears of Hrothgar’s problems with Grendel? When Beowulf hears of Hrothgar’s problems with Grendel, he immediately rounded up a boat and his bravest men to go were there help was needed. (Denmark) 2. Whom do the Geats first meet when they arrive in Denmark? What does he do, and what do they do? When the Geats first arrive in Denmark, the meet Hrothgar’s lieutenant who was patrolling along the cliffs. He questioned the Geats to figure out why they were there and warned them no one passes without permission or a password/sign. They then replied they were there to save the Danes from the monster. 3. They next meet Hrothgar’s herald. Who is he? What does he tell them? What does he tell Hrothgar? What does Hrothgar respond? Are you surprised that Hrothgar knows Beowulf so well? Hrothgar’s herald interrogates the Geats about where they’ve come from and what they’re doing. He’s impressed by their mighty appearance. Hrothgar is thrilled the men are there to help which is strange because he doesn’t know them to well yet is letting them on the land. 4. What does Beowulf tell Hrothgar when he enters? What did Hrothgar do for Beowulf’s father? Beowulf tells Hrothgar that his men follow Higlac. (King of Geats) Hrothgar knew Beowulf’s father because he was a famous soldier known as a leader of men. [Feast at Heorot] (Lines 491-661, pp. 42-46) 1. What does Unferth accuse Beowulf of? How does Beowulf answer him? How is this episode relevant to the poem as a whole? What does Beowulf accuse Unferth of? Unferth accuses Beowulf of losing a swimming match and will once again have to have defeat with Grendel. Beowulf retaliates by accusing Unferth of drunkenness and describes what happen in the swimming match. This is relevant because Unferth may indeed be correct; Beowulf would have met defeat again if it wasn’t for Wiglaf. 2. What is Queen Wealhtheow doing during the feasting? At the feast she offers drinks to all the men present. She distributes food and drink, and also strives for goodwill and peace. [The Fight with Grendel] (Lines 662-835, pp. 46-49) 1. Heroic poetry normally has a scene in which the hero arms for battle. What is different about Beowulf’s preparations for his fight with Grendel? Beowulf prepares for battle differently than any other heroic poetry scene. He doesn’t do much preparing. He is more anxious to get rid of the monster. He was prepared however to fight without a sword. 2. What happens when Grendel enters Heorot? How does Beowulf fight with him? What happens when Grendel tries to leave? Does Grendel escape? What does he leave behind? When Grendel enters Heorot, he became furious searching for the warriors until he found them and kills one Geat. While fighting the monster, Beowulf uses his bare hands. Grendel does escape, however; he somehow managed to leave behind his arm. [Celebration at Heorot] (Lines 836-1250, pp. 49-60) 1.When the Danes and Geats return from following Grendel’s tracks to the mere, someone sings in Beowulf’s presence, comparing him to Sigemund and saying that he was not like Heremod (lines 883-914). How is Beowulf like Sigemund? How is he not like Heremod? (Be alert for inserted stories such as this one. Beowulf contains many of them, most much more complex that this one.) 2. How does Hrothgar respond to Beowulf’s deed? What does he offer to do for him? What does Unferth have to say now? 3. The singer sings of Finn during the feasting (lines 1070-1158). The exact details of the Finn story are not clear, but in general, what happens? What does it suggest about the wisdom of using a woman as bride to heal enmity between tribes? 4. When the feasting resumes, what does Wealhtheow ask Hrothgar not to do? 5. Wealhtheow gives Beowulf a large, broad necklace. What later happens to it? What does Wealhtheow ask Beowulf to do? 6. Why do so many men remain in the beer hall to sleep? Why is it a mistake? BEOWULF AND GRENDEL’S MOTHER (lines 1251-2199, pp. 60-79) [Another Attack] (lines 1251-1382, pp. 60-62) 1.Why has Grendel’s mother come to Heorot? Is it the same reason Grendel had? Grendel’s mother comes to Heorot to seek revenge and take her sons claw back. 2. What is Hrothgar’s response? Whom has Grendel’s mother killed? Hrothgar was thankful that the Danes grief ended and the arm hanging was proof of victory. He hoped that Beowulf can stop Grendel’s mother from destructing his town again. Grendel’s mother killed Hrothgar’s closest friend 3.What sort of place is the mere? The mere is was under the water. It was full of mud, water, and dark. [Beowulf Fights Grendel’s Mother] (Lines 1383-1650, pp. 63-68) 1. How does Beowulf tell Hrothgar to respond? Beowulf agrees to fight again for the Danes. He feels it is an honor and the last battle made him a bit more confident to do it. 2. What happens at the mere before Beowulf enters it? Before Beowulf enters the mere, he sinks for hours going down in the water. 3. How does Beowulf prepare for the battle? What sword does he take with him? Beowulf prepared for battle by telling Hrothgar what his wishes are if he may die. Beowulf took his ring-marked blade. 4. What happens when Beowulf enters the mere? What is surprising about where Grendel and his mother live in the mere? When he finally lands, Grendel’s mother grabs him, but his armor protects him. To me its not surprising that the monsters live in a dark place, however; it is surprising that it takes half a day to get down there. 5. What happens to the sword Beowulf borrowed from Unferth? Beowulf strikes at Grendel’s mother with the borrowed sword, Hrunting, but the blade has no effect and breaks 6. At one point Beowulf is on the floor, with Grendel’s mother sitting on him and drawing her knife. How does Beowulf escape? Beowulf escapes Grendel’s mother by having the strength and faith to defeat her and using his strength to get off the ground. 7. How does Beowulf kill Grendel’s mother? What weapon does he use? What happens when she dies? What does Beowulf take with him from her home? What happens to the sword he used to kill her? Beowulf drew a sword he seen hanging on her wall to cut right through her neck and break all her bones. After her death the light shone very bright. Beowulf beheaded Grendel and took it with him and half of what was left of the sword. (The other half was in Grendel’s mother) 8. What happens when Beowulf returns to the surface? Did his men expect him to return? When Beowulf returns from the surface nobody is there. They all had suspected that Grendel’s mother had killed him. [Further Celebration at Heorot] (Lines 1651-1798, pp. 68-71) 1. What does Beowulf give to Hrothgar? 2. What message does Hrothgar have for Beowulf? What and why does he tell us about Heremod? Why and how did Heremod die? What lesson does Hrothgar teach with the Heremod example? 3. What does Beowulf give to Unferth as he leaves? [Beowulf Returns Home] (Lines 1799-2199, pp. 71-79) 1. What future does Hrothgar predict for Beowulf? 2. Who is Hygd and why is she not like Modthryth? 3. Beowulf reports to Hygelac that Hrothgar may marry his daughter Freawaru to Ingeld. Why does he plan to do that? What does Beowulf expect the result will be? (Remember the Finn story, lines 1070-1158.) How does Beowulf think the peace will be broken? Is this the type of report we expected from the hero Beowulf, or are we seeing a new side of him? 4. How does Beowulf report about his own adventures? Does he report accurately? 5. What does Beowulf do with the treasure he was given? What does Hygelac give him? BEOWULF AND THE DRAGON (lines 2200-3182, pp. 79-99) [The Dragon Wakes] (lines 2200-2509, pp. 79-86) 1.How much later does Part 2 take place? What kings have died in the meanwhile? What danger now exists? 2. Why is the dragon angry? Why did the man take a cup? How did the treasure come to be there in the first place? (The speech of the lone survivor, the one who put the gold in the barrow, is in a typically Old English elegiac tone. 3. What did the dragon destroy that evening? 4. Why does Beowulf think his home was burnt? Why does he order a new shield? How will he fight this battle? What will happen to him? 5. How did Hygelac die? (The description in lines 2354-2379 begins one of several versions of Geatish history and Hygelac’s death we will get.) What did Beowulf do after Hygelac’s death? What happened when he returned home? Did he accept Hygd’s offer to become king? 6. What happened to Hygelac’s son Heardred? (That’s the story in lines 2380-2390.) How did Beowulf plan to revenge Heardred’s death (lines 2391-2396)? 7. How many men accompany Beowulf as he goes to meet the dragon? Fourteen of Beowulf’s bravest men accompany him to fight the dragon. 8. What happened to Hygelac’s oldest brother Herebeald? Who killed him? What did this do to his father King Hrethel? (This passage, lines 2425-2509, is the second account of Geatish history and of the death of Hygelac.) What happened between the Swedes and Geats after Hrethel’s death? What happened to Haethcyn? How die Beowulf revenge Hygelac’s death? [Beowulf Attacks the Dragon] (Lines 2510-2820, pp. 86-92) 1. What does Beowulf tell his companions to do? Beowulf tells his companions to stay on top of the barrow in safety, observing the fight rather than participating in it. 2. What happens the first time Beowulf and the dragon fight? What do his companions do? How is Wiglaf different? What does he tell the others? What does he then do? The first time Beowulf fights the dragon his â€Å"brave†companions flee the scene. With the exception of Wiglaf. He reminded the men they should have all repaid Beowulf then ran off to go help kill the dragon 3. What happens the second time Beowulf meets the dragon? What happens to Beowulf? Who kills the dragon? Beowulf’s sword fails and makes him humiliated/ afraid for his life. The dragon hits Beowulf with another blast of fire. Beowulf took the final swing but both men, Beowulf and Wiglaf, killed the dragon. 4. What does the dying Beowulf ask Wiglaf to do? What happens when Beowulf sees the gold? How does Beowulf want to be buried? Beowulf asks Wiglaf to get him the treasure so he may see it. Then Beowulf thanks God for getting rid of the dragon. He asks to be burned at the coastal headland and it be known as Beowulf’s Barrow. [Beowulf’s Funeral] (Lines 2821-3182, pp. 92-99) 1. What happens when the companions return? What does Wiglaf say to him? What does he expect will happen in the future? Wiglaf tells them that they will now lead a shameful life, t would be better if they had died. 2. What does the messenger tell the city? (This passage, lines 2900-3027, is the third account of the history of the Geats and the death of Hygelac. These are the enemies that will attack the Geats when they learn of Beowulf’s death.) What happened overnight in Ravenswood after Ongentheow killed Haethcyn? What happened the next morning? What happened to Ongentheow? What does the messenger say to do with the gold? What is the final image (animal) of the messenger’s speech? 3. What does Wiglaf tell the crowd that comes to see the dragon and Beowulf? 4. What happens to the dragon? 5. What happens during and after the funeral celebration? 6. What did the Geats say about Beowulf in the last three lines of the poem? Are these the terms one would expect to be used t o describe a military hero?
Monday, September 16, 2019
Lonely Heart
â€Å"Lonely Hearts†by Wendy Cope is a statement on the disconnectedness and isolation of modern city living. By showing the reader five different people all searching for love, all in the same area of North London, all of whom have different but very basic needs in a love interest, Cope is highlighting the fact that current societal means of meeting ones mate have changed. In addition the use of the villanelle style of closed form poetry gives this the presentation of a Greek chorus.Lonely Hears is a modern poem which with its individual narrators for each verse, followed by a final chorus, which appears to be spoken by all of the narrators, gives the presentation of a Greek chorus (Campbell 66). This pattern adds to the loneliness of each speaker, almost as if they step out of the darkness, state their plea and retire to the shadows. By utilizing this style of narration Cope is highlighting the disconnectedness and loneliness of these urban dwellers, all of who reside in a relatively small area of a large city but are unable to meet people without placing a personal ad.Using the closed form rapid tone and rhythm Cope is following the path of many English poets who use this style of poetry to tell serious stories as well as comic ones. Cope focuses on loneliness and the search for love in several of her poems â€Å"Lonely Hearts†and â€Å"Bloody Men†focus on the search for and the difficulty of finding love and â€Å"Rondeau Redouble†which tells of what happens when one the narrator meets the wrong man.But like so many English poets Cope shows that she understands the darker side of love and loneliness in â€Å"Spared†a poem about 9/11. Loneliness and isolation in Metropolitan areas is not a new problem, indeed loneliness anywhere is itself not a modern problem; but with the growing worlds of social media and internet living, people are connecting less one on one.In a research study commissioned by the BBC in 2008, 30% o f Londoners classified themselves as being lonely, in contrast to the more rural Northern Ireland where only 21% reported feeling lonely. Researchers also identified large numbers of people living alone, unmarried people, recently relocated people and people privately renting accommodation, all of which they felt contributed to the social isolation and loneliness respondents reported(Dorling, Vickers, and Thomas 2008).Studying Cope’s poem it is apparent there are cultural differences between the narrators; a Jewish single mother, a gay vegetarian, and a biker, Cultural differences also contribute to inner city isolation and loneliness, be they religious, sexual orientation, lifestyle or ethnic. In a 2011 by the Vancouver Foundation, the highest ranked social issues among 275 charitable foundations and 100 community leaders, of a widely diverse selection of communities and cultures, was social isolation and disconnectedness.Repeating the study in 2012, but instead of polling i nstitutions individuals where polled and again; as in the UK study, 30% of respondents reported loneliness or difficulty making friends beyond the superficial â€Å"hello†(Takeuchi 2012). Two cities 4700 miles apart highlighted commonalities among lonely individuals; people who had recently moved to the city, who lived alone and who rented their accommodation privately.But in both cities this group of people, while having few friends would see them more frequently and be more likely to use social spaces and social media to spend time with them. Social media such as Facebook and Twitter has become a common way for people to connect with friends and family; an often person have hundreds of â€Å"friends†on Facebook with people reconnecting with lost loves and finding new ones; but is this modern version of a community or is it just another form of social isolation?Academic arguments have been made for both sides of the story, with social networks being blamed for incre asing disconnectedness and on the other side of the coin social networks are being credited with leading to more diverse and wider groups of friends (Hampton , Goulet , and et al). Social media has also become a common way for people not only looking for friends but love as well. Looking for love in the Twenty First century has progressed from the simple newspaper ad lonely hearts as found in Wendy Cope’s poem, but is it any more sophisticated?Love is still love, people are still reaching out to find a person with whom they have something in common and loneliness is still unchanged over the centuries. Love, attractiveness and loneliness and all three combined have often been the focus of poets over the years from the short and pointed work of Frances Cornford â€Å"To a Fat Lady Seen From the Train†who the narrator deems as unlovable based solely on her appearance â€Å"O why do you walk through the fields in gloves Missing so much and so much?O fat white woman whom nobody loves,†(Cornford 34) to William Butler Yeats â€Å"Loves Loneliness†which deals with the fact that love does not guarantee an end to isolation and loneliness (Yeats). In the classic poem of Edgar Allen Poe ‘The Raven†, Poe deals with the loneliness of having loved and lost, the sense of desperation and a slow decline into what appears to be madness on the part of the narrator gives this poem a dark and gothic feel, combined with the appearance of the raven.The underlying theme of this poem is one of undying devotion, even though the narrator is alone, he has lost his beloved Lenore, he believes the Raven will leave his life as â€Å"other friends have flown before†(Poe), he will not give up the memories of Lenore and clings to the hope that he will be reunited with her in heaven, leading the reader to believe that Lenore is dead.The classic English poet W H Auden also deals with the loss of love and the loneliness of bereavement in one of his most famous poems â€Å"Funeral Blues†in which a lover demands â€Å"Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,†insisting that the world stop and stand for a moment to recognize what is occurring, what a great loss she has suffered, â€Å"He was my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.†To have loved so deeply and to be bereaved leaves the narrator with a sense of loneliness so deep it is apparent that nothing will ever be the same again â€Å"The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ For nothing now can ever come to any good. †(Auden) These two poems bring us to the age old question is it better to have loved and lost or never to have loved at all? In the case of â€Å"The Raven†the narrators lost love drove him into despair and insanity and in the ca se of â€Å"Funeral Blues†the death of her loved one meant life could never be good or happy again.So in the case of Wendy Cope’s â€Å"Lonely Hearts†what would happen if they found their loves? Wendy Cope addresses loneliness in many of her poems but in â€Å"Rondeau Redouble†she tells us of what happens when the unwitting heroine continues in her futile search for love despite meeting a variety of wildly unsuitable men â€Å"There are so many kinds of awful men -One can't avoid them all.She often said She'd never make the same mistake again; She always made a new mistake instead†(Cope) Instead of a litany of lonely hearts searching for love, here the reader is witness to a parade of depressingly awful men, each with their own foibles and idiosyncrasies, making it seem as if being single and alone is in fact preferable. Perhaps in the end the â€Å"Lonely Hearts†should take some advice from modern American poet Lloyd C Taylor; who in k eeping with the changing world of literature and the growing world of social media is primarily a web published poet.One of his better known poems â€Å"Looking for Love†asks the question of all people looking for that elusive perfect relationship, â€Å"So, you’re looking for real love and companionship; You’re disappointed no one has taken your hand. †and when it becomes apparent to â€Å"Lonely Hearts†worldwide that the perfect mate is not out there, that that one ideal relationship does not exist; Taylor has the perfect suggestion for finding that undying love and devotion for which they search, an answer which will end thoughts of loneliness â€Å"Stop going round and round on your merry-go-round, My advice, friend, go out and get a good dog! †(Taylor).
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Psychology Lifespan Essay
Ellen DeGeneres never thought that announcing she was a lesbian would have been a big deal. She knew then that what she was doing would caused questions and controversy but not in a way where she would be considered the poster child for the Gay Community. The way Ellen came out to the world was a bigger shock to her than it was to her audience. This is when Ellen realized that she changed more than her own life coming out. Her fan base got bigger and her life opened up for the greater good. She felt like coming out should not change what she would be doing for humanity. On Ellen’s 50th birthday, she decided to raise money and get notice to her hometown, New Orleans, Louisiana, some help for the August 2005 Hurricane Katrina. This storm was one of the most deadly storms in United States history. During the storm the federal flood protection system failed and the levee broke, flooding 80% of the city and surrounding cities for weeks. Since Ellen had connections with many other celebrities, she used those connections to get help for her city. Brad Pitt was one of the celebrities that had a foundation going for rebuilding homes in New Orleans. With the help of Ellen putting out the foundation through her television show, Brad was able to get 150 homes built. She showed her passion for helping out when she told the world why this fundraiser was important to her. She shows that the place she looked at as home and helped made her who she was Ellen DeGeneres has been an inspiration to people for the past twelve years. Ellen’s life had just begun. Ellen DeGeneres came into the world January 26, 1956 in Jefferson, Louisiana at the Oschner Foundation Hospital. In the book, Love, Ellen: A Mother/Daughters Journey (1999), Betty Degeneres, Ellen’s mother, said that she was a miracle. Ellen’s father didn’t want anymore chidren after her brother was born, four years earlier. He thought that one child was sufficient enough. But Betty was determined to convince him that they should try again for another child. According to Lisa Iannucci (2009) Ellen was just a normal child, she played with her sibling and played outside like any other child would do at that age. She was a tomboy that wore fancy dresses and played with Barbie dolls. She once had dreams of becoming a naturalist or zoologist. She had a love and passion for animals and wanted to later join the Peace Corps to study the apes in Africa. Growing up Ellen had a fascination for great comedians such as Jack Benny, George Gorbel, and the comedy team Bob and Ray. Watching these comics entertain crowds was a little informal training of Ellen’s career in the later years. Ellen discovered the benefits of comedy when her mother divorced her dad. Her mother had been so down and depressed that Ellen knew she could cheer her up with a laugh. Ellen used this same comedic value to get through the very tough times in her life. When Ellen was sixteen she started partying, becoming rebellious, and hanging out with the wrong crowds. In her small town of Metairie, she would drink beer with her friends and stay out all night. This was her reaction to her mother getting remarried in 1974 to a salesman. Her mother wanted to remove her from the city, so the salesman got a new job in Atlanta, Texas. The DeGeneres family packed up and moved to Atlanta. While in Texas, Ellen started to fit into her new life there. Ellen started dating her first boyfriend, Ben Heath. Her brother Vance was in a band in high school and was receiving a lot of attention. Ellen wanted some of this attention that her brother was getting and was starting to have dreams of becoming famous. Ellen craved for people to like her, she wanted to try to find a way to become famous so people would like her and want to be her friend. Ellen’s family looked like the perfect family from the outside, but something dark and eerie was going on inside. Behind close doors the salesman was crude and bossy and Ellen did not like who he was. During this time Ellen’s mother found out that she had breast cancer. She ended up having a mastectomy and had to do physical therapy and rehabilitation. Betty tried to hide her cancer from Ellen but she needed Ellen’s help to recover. This is when Ellen and her mother became close. During this time of recovery, the salesman molested Ellen. She didn’t want to get her mother upset so she didn’t mention it to her, while she was recovering. When her stepfather tried to molester again, she ran away to a friend’s house. Ellen left Atlanta, Texas and move back to Louisiana with her father after she graduated high school. Once Ellen moved to Louisiana, she enrolled into the University of New Orleans, to major in Communications. Ellen soon found out that college wasn’t for her and dropped out after one semester. Ellen started to search for a career since college didn’t go as planned. During this time of finding a career, Ellen was also finding herself. She was holding another secret about her sexuality from family and friends. She was starting to feel confused about her sexuality. This could have been a result of the nuture factor. Her homosexuality could have been triggered from her stepfather molesting her. Nurture refers to the childhood and how an individual grew up (MacKinnon, 1962). She liked boys in the beginning; she had some boyfriends in the past, but she was never really attracted to men. Once Ellen figured out what sexual orientation that she was, she started dating women but still haven’t broke the news to her family. She decided to tell her mom one day while they were walking along the beach. She started to cry, not because she was afraid, but because she was now free of this secret that she was holding. Her mom embraced her and accepted Ellen’s fate. During this time that Ellen came out about her sexuality, it was forbidden doing those times. In the 1950s consensual gay sex was a felony. The gay communities were trying to fight for rights in the 1960s but were still getting tortured and shunned. Betty started to be afraid for Ellen. Being homosexual was considered to be a mental health disorder by the psychiatric community. The National Gay Task Force Foundation was founded in 1973, in New York, and worked to change the American Psychiatric Association’s grouping of homosexuality as a mental heath problem. Ellen’s brother accepted the news well, but Ellen’s father did take it very well. He later kicked Ellen out of the house, thinking that she would influence her stepsiblings. He later helped her get an apartment and admitted that he regretted what he did to her. Ellen acquired many jobs; she sold clothes, was a bartender, washed cars, shucked oysters, and wrapped gifts. Just like she knew that college wasn’t for her, these jobs weren’t satisfying her neither, she was hungry to do something more. She now knew that she wanted to make people laugh for the rest of her life. She began performing at a few small venues in New Orleans. Her routines were different than other comedians of her time such as, Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, and Richard Pryor. The difference between them and her was he bits didn’t have vulgarity and sexual references. Ellen joked about her everyday life and experiences. She did this to relate to her audiences. Ellen started to take off in her career. She started competing in comedy competition where she placed first in the â€Å"Funniest Person in America†competition. She later went to open for a few acts in Las Vegas where the producer from â€Å"The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson†was there and asked her to come on the show. Once she performed on the Tonight Show, this put her career in overdrive and she became a superstar. She became the first female comedic to seat on the big couch on the Tonight Show. She ended up coming back on six more times in two years. She later got a minor role on Open House in 1989. It was a spin-off of the fox show Duet. She then went and filmed her first HBO special Young Comedian Reunion, in 1986. Two years later she appeared in HBO’s Women of the Night. She got a small role in the movie The Coneheads, and got her own sitcom on ABC called These Friends of Mine. Ellen revealed her true sexual preference in Time magazine April 1997 issue. In this issue she talked about her life as a gay woman and hiding who she was in the comedian community. She made her character on her television show Ellen also comes out of the closet. This caused some controversy for the Christian religion organizations. She made her first appearance publicly with her sexuality at the White House Correspondents Dinner with actress Anne Heche on her arm. In 1998 Ellen honored at the 9th Annual GLAAD Media Awards with the Stephen F. Kolzak Award. Ellen now was fighting for her lesbian life on and off the television. Her mother started to become an advocate to her daughter’s lifestyle. Betty started volunteering at the Human Rights Campaign. Her mother became the first nongay national spokesperson for the Human Rights Campaign. She was helping to encourage and assist gay people in coming out and living honestly. Her mother also became an active member of Parents, Family, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG). In 2003 Ellen started her own daytime television talk show called The Ellen Degeneres Show. People were afraid that Ellen would just bring up gay themes through out the show and didn’t want it to go on air. Once people got over the fact that Ellen was gay, her show started to skyrocket on television ratings. It was the television show that Ellen had always wanted. She could make people laugh and every loved her. In season two the show won five daytime Emmys. In 2005 Ellen won a Grammy for having the best comedy album for the audio portion of her book. She also won some awards at the People’s Choice Awards. While her show was getting good ratings, she met her current wife, Portia de Rossi. She met Portia at a photo shoot in 2004. Ellen and Portia quickly fell in love. They both ended their current relationships and started dating in 2005. They went on to get married in 2008 after California passed the Same-Sex Marriage Act. With all of Ellen’s life decisions, it had to do with her social and emotional development. She was always able to make transitions from one activity to another. Her ability to start a new when it came to her many careers before she found the right one was an example of her social/emotional development (Roeser, Eccles, & Sameroff, 2000). She showed cooperation with others when she was getting ridiculed for her coming out, but she stayed humbled and didn’t let it get to her (Webb, 1994).
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Jury of her peers Essay
After the first reading 1. What do the women think happened at the farm? The women thought Mrs. Wright might have murdered her own husband. After the second reading 2. What is the climax of the story (When in the story does the narrative take a turn)? The story’s climax is when there are more evidences compiled at the end (the dead bird, broken cage, abuse, marital oppression) this turns the story to Minnie Foster as a victim and not as a criminal. 3. How well does this story fit the model of the stages of narrative? The story shows all the stages of narrative in correct order (intro, rising action, climax, falling action) except that the conclusion is left for the readers to think. 4. What other things do you notice? The women were not allowed to be jurors but in this story, they outsmarted their husbands/men in collecting evidences that would point to who the victim and who the murderer was. The strongest evidences would be the abuse and loneliness experienced by Mrs. Wright and the irony of how the bird and Mr. Wright were killed in the same way. 5. What questions do you still have?  Will the women tell their husbands/men what they saw? Will the women stand up at the trial for the evidences?
Friday, September 13, 2019
Tourism and Hospitality Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Tourism and Hospitality Research - Essay Example Research help players in the hospitality industry to understand the best ways provide services for customers. Primary research aids in gathering of information used in books and the respective fields across the globe. While the benefits of research are obvious, it is still debatable if there is such a thing as perfect research. Because of the value laden nature of research, subjectivity of facts, and bias of researchers, I agree with Griffith’s assertion â€Å"there is no hope of doing perfect research†(Griffiths, 1998, p97). I argue that despite the absence of perfect research, researchers should be objective, and provide information that is helpful for the tourism industry. Coherent and functional research is achievable through objectivity, respect of rules and ethics and emphasis on validity. 2. My Research Approach: Positive Paradigm For my research, I chose Positivism as my paradigm. The positive paradigm accrues from the ideas of French Philosopher August Comte. Comte observed that observation and reasons are essential to understanding human behavior. He emphasized the role of experience of senses accrued after repeated observation and experiments. Positivist thinkers resonate with Comte’s views because they enhance knowledge acquisition by embodying science as an instrumental tool of research. Determinism, empiricism, parsimony, and generality are key facets of the positive paradigm. Determinism argues that human events are caused by circumstances. Understanding circumstances is, therefore, critical for a substantial research work. Empiricism premises on the use of evidence to support theories. Parsimony implies that explanations for research should be brief and concise (Dash, 2012). Even though positive paradigm has been influential in shaping research, it has been criticized for its lack of acknowledgement for side issues such as subjective state of individuals, the assumption that human nature is passive, and it is under the prer ogative of the external environment (Hossard, 1993). 3. Why Positive Paradigm? Positive paradigm emphasizes objective approach while carrying out research. It also encourages the use of experiments and analysis subject to quantitative and qualitative data. Despite its limitation such as the emphasis on the environment as a key player of occurrences, and the assumption that human nature is passive, positive paradigm provides the best platform upon which a study on tourism and hospitality can be undertaken (Anderson, 1998). I considered the following questions before I chose the positive paradigm as my preferred research method. What are my social phenomena? Is my opinion on tourism and hospitality subjective or objective What are the sources of knowledge for this study? Can more sources be created? What is the relationship between tourism and hospitality and the environment? I realized that positive paradigm provided the best strategy for undertaking this research. First, because the positive paradigm encourages the discovery of new facts dues its objectivity, it creates room for me to inject my personal discoveries. Second, because of tourism and hospitality’s a direct correlation with the environment, I figured that the environment would be an influential player in the research. I also realized that in this industry, key sources of information
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Shakespeare Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Shakespeare - Research Paper Example He grows more and more insane as the play progresses. displayed in the cast-away sister. In this way, Lear can be seen to be craving for the sort of blindness that he is already in the process of imposing upon himself when he says, â€Å"Old fond eyes, beweep this cause again, I’ll pluck ye out, and cast you, with the waters that you lose, to temper clay. Yea, is it come to this? Let it be so: I have another daughter†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Shakespeare I,iv,292-294). A close reading of these words show that Lear is still using emotion to convey meaning, and also to convey the theme of blindness mentioned above, which is strong throughout the work. Lear is the one being portrayed as blind. The work can be shown through a close reading of how Goneril talks to Lear. In a chosen scene, Goneril states, â€Å"I do beseech you To understand my purposes aright: As you are old and reverend, you should be wise. Here do you keep a hundred knights and squires; Men so disorderd, so deboshd and bold, That this our court, infected with their manners, Shows like a riotous inn: epicurism and lust Make it more like a tavern or a brothel Than a graced palace. The shame itself doth speak For instant remedy†(Shakespeare, I, iv, 140-7). A close reading of this passage shows how Goneril starts off with a rhyming couplet that signifies important speech, and then goes on to flowery flattering of her father which is evident to the reader, but not to Lear, as false. This passage also shows that Goneril clearly thinks that she knows better than her father the king how the land should be ruled. â€Å"Angered by what he perceives as Cordelias insufficient love, Lear splits the kingdom be tween Regan and Goneril. Their treachery, however, soon becomes clear as they strip their father of all his authority and possessions. Lear then realizes the sincerity of Cordelias love†(King, 2000). Lear is essentially a tragic play. Its action focuses on a character through, surefit of pride,
View on the American History Through The Name of War by Jill Lepore Essay
View on the American History Through The Name of War by Jill Lepore - Essay Example The writer intends to make the reader understand how the English people and the Indians survived the King Phillips war (1675-1676) and how the two tribes revived after the war. The writer says that the war was one of the most flaming wars in American history and more casualties than any other war. Indians had attacked twenty-five English towns which were more than half the colonial towns and, as a result, pushed the English borderline back to the Atlantic coast (Lepore 54). In response to this attack, the England natives killed thousands of Indians and surrounded their villages ensuring they starved to death due to hunger and diseases. The natives also shipped away from the survivors into slavery in the West Indies. The writer of the book describes the events in a fascinating manner that captures the readers' mind and prompts the reader to believe her arguments. The war demonstrates the experiences of the British colonialists and the natives that lay the foundation for the competition between the Europeans and the Indians over control of the continent. The writer also criticizes and corrects other histories write when she says that the book is a study of war and also a study of how other people write about war. The target audience if the book is the Native Americans and the Indians and the writer constantly reminds them of the unfinished and parochial nature of memory and history. Jill writes from a theoretically informed perspective although her use of words makes the story very interesting and even prods one to think as if it is from an eyewitness. Her story focuses on the realities of the war as opposed to what people think or what other documentary evidence have shown. Unlike many other historians, she covers the immediate causes of the hostilities that resulted into the war and narrates the story as a neutral party. She reveals that the English were not the victims of the war since they essentially instigated the war (Lepore 147).Â
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon Essay
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon - Essay Example The life of Christopher, a boy who has a problem with understanding logic due to a health condition has been used to express the life of many other people who might be suffering from various issues in life. It shows that people are prone to various conditions, which eventually lead them to various destinations. Christopher’s mind-set is logical and scientific in that he sees life as a puzzle that can be circumnavigate through logic and calculated decisions. As a result of this, he fails to comprehend certain simplicities that seen reasonable to other human beings. As a student, and from a stable parental background, I feel the pain that goes within Christopher’s mind when he cannot understand how a dog is stone dead (Haddon, Ch 1). This is after he discovered Wellington’s dead corpse in the owner’s lawn. This point leads back to the medical condition that is affecting him. He cannot just understand simple issues until they are explicitly explained to him. Comparing this to other individuals like myself, I feel that people should not take all things for granted, and should appreciate whatever little or much one can have freely in life. Christopher did not choose the condition and neither did he choose to live with a single parent, even when the other parent was alive. Personally, I did not have control over my current situation but am just lucky to be the way I am. In the quest of finding out Wellington’s murderer, Christopher unveils various twists and turns in his parents’ life, including his mother’s whereabouts. For a child his age, I consider this a painful experience that even makes him pass out. Reflecting the events, as they unfolded upon my life, I consider life as cruel to underserving individuals, a reason to make me appreciate whichever circumstances I pass through. I have grown knowing my two parents, and would consider my upkeep as brilliant. This cannot be taken as mere luck but as matter
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Poe's The Cask of Amontillado Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Poe's The Cask of Amontillado - Essay Example "The Cask of Amontillado" is an ultimate tale of revenge which explores how pride can overwhelm a person causing him to pervasively obtain the revenge he believes he and his family is worthy of as well as how pride can become the ultimate instrument for a person's death. Through his artistic skill of combining various literary techniques, Poe portrays why a person overwhelmed with pride is in a grave danger. It should be noted that pride solely controlled the actions of the main characters, Montresor and Fortunato. The pride of Montresor has become his main motivation in plotting his horrific revenge. The opening statement of the story justifies this: "The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge." Even though the story fails to clearly identify how Montresor was insulted by Fortunato, it becomes apparent that the former regards himself very highly enough for his pride to be severely hurt and stung because of this. This pride motivated him not only to punish but "punish with impunity." Thus, Montresor states, that he should not "fail to make himself felt to him as such to him who has done him wrong." The murderer is overwhelmed by his self-righteousness, justifying even a horrible crime like murder. Montresor's murder of Furtonato can also be interpreted as his quest of redeeming the pride of his great family.
Monday, September 9, 2019
Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 19
Management - Essay Example The company’s mission/vision is to conquer the market for science-based imaginative products that could be used at various places of human endeavors. (ii) Weakness: The Company’s major weakness is marketing thousands of imaginative products at a time (3M Corporation, 2009a). This would prevent concentrated effort to develop a unique brand that would only be associated with the company. (iv) Threats: The main threats to the success of the 3M are the local companies in the countries where 3M operate or sell its products. There would be cost advantage for the local companies when compared with 3M The company is an equal opportunity employer: that is, there is no discrimination based on race, color, age, gender and religious affiliations. And an international company, it supports all the rules given by International Labor Organization (ILO) for fair and equitable treatment for all 3M employees worldwide. The remuneration for 3M workers are one of the best in the United States; and the company doesn’t discriminate based on employee’s race, color, religious affiliations etc. There are generous benefits those working for 3M Corporation could enjoy: these include health policy, education financial aids and pensions. The Company prides itself on values, ethics and integrity. Interested applicants that would like to work for 3M are always encouraged to turn in their resumes through post or apply online. The selection criteria reveal that 3M values experience and skill acquired by the applicant rather than their physical appearance. One of the good attributes of 3M Corporation is that it offers encouraging incentives and monetary rewards to retain its best employees, and develop them through routine training, workshops and seminars to let them be abreast of the latest information in the industry. Quality assurance
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Business - Essay Example The firm’s revenues – from its retail sales in its major 19 brands – in 2010 were estimated to $1 billion/ per brand, i.e. about 19 billion in total (2010 Annual Report, p.16); the firm’s employees have been estimated to 285,000 in the firm’s branches worldwide (PepsiCo, The Company 2011). 1.2 Aims and mission of the company The firm’s mission is clearly stated in its website; in accordance with its mission and vision statement, the firm’s key mission is to become the leading firm in its industry – worldwide. At the same time, emphasis is given on the firm’s visions, which include the improvement of the firm’s ‘social, economic and natural environment’ (PepsiCo, The Company 2011). Moreover, it is made clear that profitability is not the key aim of the firm; expansion in the world market is among the firm’s priority but this expansion needs to be combined by the promotion of the interests of the firm’s stakeholders – as noted in the firm’s mission and vision statement (PepsiCo, The Company 2011). 2. ... eholders are defined as follows – in accordance with the firm’s website: ‘consumers, communities, associates, retail customers, investors, partners and suppliers’ (PepsiCo, Stakeholders 2011). Therefore, the relationship between PepsiCo and its stakeholders implies the policies that the company has promoted in order to respond to the needs of the above groups of persons; it also implies the views of stakeholders (as described above) on the practices of the firm. These views can be identified through the following ways: the level of the firm’s profitability (in case of high profitability, the acceptance of the firm’s corporate social responsibility policies by its stakeholders is assumed) and the market research (developed by the company, by its competitors or by independent researchers). Having identified the firm’s stakeholders, the examination of their relationship with the firm could proceed. Two are the key questions that should be addressed: which are the main needs of the firm’s stakeholders and how well has the firm managed to respond to these needs. Reference is made to an indicative example of the firm’s corporate social responsibility, showing its ability to respond to the needs of its stakeholders: the response of the firm to the accident (Oil spill) by BP in the Gulf of Mexico. These issues are analytically presented in the section that follows. 2.2 How well does PepsiCo impact on society and its stakeholders? In order to understand the relationship between the firm and its stakeholders it would be necessary primarily to present the interests of these stakeholders (as described above); then the practices of the firm for protecting these interests could be presented and evaluated. Referring to each particular category of the firm’s
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Teaching science to children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 1
Teaching science to children - Essay Example The students were able to observe and experiment first-hand how many of these processes are undergone. The results of these experiments not only benefitted the knowledge of the students by allowing them to witness scientific phenomena, but it also allows us to grasp the best ways that students can be taught these methods. Science teaches an understanding of the world around us by stimulating a child’s prediction and analysis of natural phenomena. Teaching science involves conducting methods of Investigation to encourage creative thought and to demonstrate how science can have an immense impact on our future and to achieve advanced medical biotechnology, genetic engineering food production and safety, agricultural biotechnology, and treatment of environmental waste. Teaching science also aims to improve children’s verbal and writing skills to become more scientifically literate (N.A. 2009). Effective teaching style requires the adaptation of successful principles and methods by teachers that were used as an assistant for efficient delivery to take place. Prior to setting up teaching methods, the children’s background knowledge and environment should be considered. Teachers should be aware that students have different learning abilities, and as such different learning techniques should be used during lessons to match their different abilities. A lesson plan can then be designed. These plans state the specific learning goals of each lesson for teachers to follow in a form that can be carried out in several ways: whole class discussions, explaining, experimentation, demonstration, group work, and assessment of pupils’ work. It also helps learners to achieve deep understanding of the material and to become fascinated and keen to acquire more knowledge about scientific phenomena (Fredericks 2005). The science curriculum is a statement about the selected elements of science
Friday, September 6, 2019
Ethan from - Realism Essay Example for Free
Ethan from Realism Essay The rise of Realism in 1855 was the time when farming began to industrialize, communication expanded through railroads, and Nationalism was yet again revived. On top of all these important transformations that have marked this period of time was the significance for literature with a new audience, new settings, and new characters. The novel, Ethan Frome, by Edith Wharton, is a magnificent example of literature from the Realistic period. First, Realism is a definite movement away from the Romantic period. Romantics wrote regarding the unique and the unusual, whereas in Realism, literature was written about the average and ordinary. The town where the novel takes place is Starkfield, an average farming community. There is not much in the town that is of interest or anything extravagant to be known for. In addition, literature from Romanticism focused on hopes, while Realistic literature illustrated skepticism and doubt. The narrator describes the scene where Zeena declares to Ethan that her sickness is getting serious, saying, She continued to gaze at him through the twilight with a mien of wan authority, as of one consciously singled out for a great fate. Ive got complications, she said (108 Wharton). Hope for Zeenas health is nonexistent, and she, being a hypochondriac, confirms the fact that she feels doubtful about life. The Romantics wrote about the unusual and hopeful, which are characteristics that are not strongly represented in Realistic literature. The second aspect of Realism is the idea of Regionalism. One indication of Regionalism in literature is the characters dialect. An excellent depiction of dialect is where Harmon Gow says, Wust kind, . . . Moren enough to kill most men (6). His regional accent is shown by the spelling and punctuation, allowing the reader to have an idea of how Harmon would have said it. Another aspect of Regionalism is the customs and the way of life of the characters. One way of life that the characters are accustomed to is the normality of marriage between cousins. As this practice is not enthusiastically accepted everywhere, it brings the Regionalistic aspect to the novel. Regionalism, which includes the characteristics of dialect and customs, is a critical component of Realism. Third, Realistic literature uses the concept of Naturalism. In Ethan Frome, the bleak winter setting is a primary clue that nature plays a key role in the story. Nature is displayed as a powerful and malevolent force that is indifferent to humankind. In the novel, the narrator once stated, But when winter shut down on Starkfield, and the village lay under a sheet of snow perpetually renewed from the pale skies, I began to see what life thereor rather its negationmust have been . . . (7). This statement depicts the winter seasons in Starkfield as gloomy and undesirable weather. Aside from the setting, the basic animal nature of humans also draws out the Naturalistic traits in Realism. The narrator tells what was going through Ethans mind following the smash-up, . . . and far off, up the hill, he heard the sorrel whinny, and thought: `I ought to be getting him his feed. . . (172). At such an intense moment, Ethans animal nature brings him to think about tending to his hungry horse instead of caring about his and Matties teetering lives. These examples signify the sense of nature and its forces used in the literature of Realists. Edith Whartons novel, Ethan Frome, is a wonderful example of Realistic literature. Its style shows signs of a distinct shift away from Romanticism and illustrates the aspects of Regionalism and Naturalism, two major components of Realism. Authors of the Realistic period depicted life as typical, everyday people lived and knew it to be, using these important points. The ordinary characters that dealt with common problems and situations in the literature brought a new group of readers, establishing a unique new era that has changed the way people perceive life forever.
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