Thursday, October 31, 2019
Advanced Systems Design Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1
Advanced Systems Design Project - Essay Example among other control devices attached to it. Consequently, the device and provide the service and size requirement for the device. Therefore, the paper will provide the architecture, module, and operation of the automated landscape topography device that will help the surveying operators to survey their field autonomously. The machine will collect the information and measure the size of the landscape. The machine will operate by closely monitoring the landscape where the land surveyors and the operators can mitigate the size of the landscape. The device will operate silently and take readings of the landscape on the specific monitoring points that are installed on the landscape. The device will take measurements on day to day basis and will detect errors that might occur on their reading. The information will then be sent to the project remotely. The equipment will need a power source and the operators will work hand in hand with the owners of the property on how the power outlet will be accessed. The reason behind implementing the system is to collect the information of a landscape and also measure the movement of the building and its landscape. The equipment will also closely monitor the landscape and the building and mitigate some of the potential damages that might occur on the landscape. The automatic device instrument will function by detecting the latitude and altitudes through various process. The detection of the energy that will be emitted will be important in coming up with topographical maps. However the device will only be able to detect a specific location that it will cover for the map. The efficiency of the device will vary from one instrument to the other. It is assumed that the device will only be able to see specific sections of the landscape. Therefore, it will be important to extrapolate the right landscape from the one that is tabulated. The device will also be in a position to measure the angle. The
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Green Eyed Monster Essay Example for Free
Green Eyed Monster Essay As I got closer to the massive, muddy, mysterious green eyed monster, his one eye took the whole of his face. In the jungle of Africa where the atmosphere was silent, I heard a loud growl in the silent, small, smelly jungle. I never reacted to the loud growl. I thought it was a lorry or something but as I got closer to the monster, it had his gigantic mouth opened, as if it was a part of the jungle and it was camouflaged, so it would blend in with the trees of the jungle. This is a very famous place. People from all around the world have visited this mysterious jungle in Africa. I have read about this place, it is in the south of Africa, which has lots of gold, so many countries are linked to this continent. Why is it called the green eyed monster? My opinion on ‘’why is it called a green eyed monster’’ is that It’s green and it only has one eye, which is very spooky, so it makes people who have not seen a one eyed monster before so it makes them want to see the green eyed monster. That is my opinion on why it is called a green eyed monster. The green eyed monster is about 5ft wide and 4ft long it has massive feet which are about 1.5ft wide and 1ft long and his one eye covers  ¾ of his face which is a lot of space. His huge eyes are filled with blood, which is dripping every second to the ground and it makes a really loud dripping noise. I could smell the sweat and the horrible smell of the green eyed monster I could also taste a horrible taste in my mouth which reminds me of a monster which has lived there for many years and hasn’t had a bath or a shower. I have read about the green eyed monster and the history of it is really interesting. It was used to carry 500 tonnes of gold in Africa many years ago. It was also used for public transport. It could carry 700 people to one place and back within 5 minutes, which normally, on a lorry or bus, it would take around 45 minutes. It would probably take the space of 20 football pitches but as we now know it would only take around 4 pitches due there being very less people ; the green eyed monster would have probably killed them or eaten them so I have read there are no people in the space of 400 miles. I have also read that there was a blue eyed monster and there are many rumours going around such as (the green eyed monster is the blue eyed monster but It hasn’t had anything to eat for 6 months so it turned blue due to the starvation.) I have also heard that green eyed monster had a son and it was called the blue eyed monster. As we can see the green eyed monster has only one eye therefore it has to be related to the blue eyed monster. As we got closer to the green eyed monster it had developed and made his growl louder and his mouth was shining so bright you could go blind looking at it for more than 5minutes. It was like seeing green stars and suddenly it collapsed and it was not breathing or growling, but I got closer and I couldn’t hear anything so there is no green eyed monster.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Movement in an Idealized Dam-break Configuration
Movement in an Idealized Dam-break Configuration For doing the research of the fluid dynamics with the open channel flow, to derive and understanding different waves equations in partial differential approximation with conservation form such as the explicit centered convection approximation and the explicit upwind convection approximation in different condition. Trying to substitutive the values into the equations to derive the appropriate method base on the finite- volume method in the fluid dynamics and using the software to calculate the flux and the stability which will depend on the direction of the wave and must be under the distance travel must not exceed the step way condition. The aim is staring to go through the details of the equations, get the brand new Flux functions which called lax Wendorff burgers equation scheme and Dam break scheme, based on those approximation to estimate the wave direction, wave speed, height, density and momentum in the certain and instant time for the water wave and at different conditions property and combinations. Putting the values to get the approximate results with those two methods and compare with each other. Plot the appropriate graphs. Abstract The purpose of this study is to model the flow movement in an idealized dam-break configuration. One-dimensional motion of a shallow flow over a rigid inclined bed is considered. The resulting shallow water equations are solved by finite volumes using the Lax-Wendroff schemes. At first, the one-dimensional model is considered in the development process. With conservative finite volume method, splitting is applied to manage the combination of hyperbolic term and source term of the shallow water equation and then to promote 1D. The simulations are validated by the comparison with flume experiments. Unsteady dam-break flow movement is found to be reasonably well captured by the model. The proposed concept could be further developed to the numerical calculation of non-Newtonian fluid or multilayers fluid flow. All the calculations, data and graphs represent are all through MATLAB programming with an individual code and all the units and symbols were labeled in the code. A. Units and constant for the approximations Equations Theory Partial Differentials Partial differential equations are complicated method to solve as they contain more than one variable and instead are used to Describe problems involving the parameters in use which can be solved using the variation of schemes. They describe the certain rate of change of variables which are related to each other, in this project, the first convection are the wave equation in conservation form which are to approximate the velocity of the flow in different directions and the flux approximation with changing time. Two different methods are considered which are the explicit upwind convection approximation and explicit centered convection approximation respectively. When dt = 0 and dx = 0, Discretization Schemes Explicit centered convection approximation and explicit upwind convection approximation, these methods include finite volume method which approximating the variables around discrete nodes with dissected into too many small elements that are approximated. Finite-Difference Approximation Finite-difference approximations are one of the most derivative methods for solving differential equations. The system can approximate the solution with the necessary boundary and initial conditions imposed, providing an accurate solution for the previous unfathomable equation. They are of particular use in aerodynamics as their time and space dependent nature lends itself to computing shock wave propagation or other energy transfer flows. Their approach uses discretization to approximate the differential, by applying a finite grid, of points at which the variables are estimated, with the process continuing as the local points govern their approximation values from the neighboring nodes. Iterative approximation in this manner produces an obvious error, known as the discretization or truncation error, diverging from the true value. The key to the principle is, like anything, minimizing this error in the system. Monitoring this error then is something of paramount importance and through the implementation of the Taylor Series. In addition, there are three critical properties that any approximation of a partial differential should maintain, which are consistency, stability and convergence. Forward-Time, Backward-Space Scheme The form of approximation method is a backward, explicit, hyperbolic system which means that at the next set of results are only calculated from the nodes immediately behind them geometrically, in relation to their pervious counterparts, for examples, When dt = 0 and dx = 0, This also gives the system an inherent advantage as this encourages convergence, through the fact that the approximation method has a domain of dependence which are include the initial data, shared by the partial differential at t = 0, only apply on the first set of data. Also, further information gathered from the equation itself shows is a first order method and most suitable to simple differential approximations. Lax Scheme This kind of approximations are most likely the previous is explicit hyperbolic in nature, however, it is a scheme which to demonstrated that all the velocity of the water flow terms are either side of and is first order accurate for u, and also approximate the accuracy for x. When dt = 0 and dx = 0, Moreover, the stability of the method has to be considered as the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) condition is a necessary condition for convergence while solving certain partial differential equations usually hyperbolic numerically by the method of finite differences. It arises in the numerical analysis of explicit time integration schemes, when these are used for the numerical solution. As a consequence, the time step must be less than a certain time in many explicit time-marching computer simulations, otherwise the simulation will produce incorrect results. Lax-Wendroff Scheme This scheme is a common numerical method for the solution of hyperbolic partial differential equations like the previous schemes which are based on the finite differences to accurate for both space and time apparently. There are two different cases are going to consider and approximate which are the 1st for the linear case, while , where a is a constant which to define the direction of the flow and u is the wave speed, when, the flow is to the right, and to the left when a is negative. As two different approximations have considered, for the centered method For the upwind method Or Or And for the Lax-Wendroff in first-order Predictor, Corrector, For the 2nd case, Centered method For the upwind method Or Or And for the Lax-Wendroff in first-order Predictor, Corrector, Calculate for the half grid points and time steps approximation as different predictors first and then recalculate the scheme by the value of half grid points and time steps into same Corrector which putting a two steps approximation rather than a single step to make it more accurate. This is a feature unique for the Lax-Wendroff method. Also, the stability of CFL condition is the same as the previous scheme. Taylor Series The Taylor series is a form of evaluating and representing partial differentials, as an infinite sum of its terms at a single point, in form of series expansion. The use of the series has many applications in engineering, with its main being the approximation of functions through the expansion to the necessary number of terms. Through collating the appropriate number of terms and then truncating the series a valid approximation of the function can be made. The act of truncating the series generates an error, although as the expansion continues the effect of each term dwindles, a characteristic that allows the truncation after a certain term number. The truncation error can also be computed and gives an indication as to the validity and performance of the initial approximation made using the series expansion. B. Dam break schme The simplest situations will first be considered, of mass, momentum and energy conservation laws in primitive form, so stripped of all energy-diffusing terms, such as bed slope , resistance, change of section. Governing Equations The mass entering t element in time dt is While the amount leaving is For the mass For the momentum For the simplest case, X1 Figures and Tables Figure 1 Figure 1 shows the relationship of the velocity against the postion of the flow in linear first-order which (f = a*u) , where a is 1, Lax-Wendroff is used for approximation, and it shows a steady flow with a certain time and positions with the input data, there are 50 nodes in total and the grid spacing are 400 as the detla time was 0.0015s, so the grid spacing should have to take a really large value to maintain the CFL. Figure 2 Figure 2 shows the relationship of the velocity against the postion of the flow in non-linear first-order which (f = u2/2), Lax-Wendroff is used for approximation, and it shows a steady flow with a certain time and positions with the input data, there are 50 nodes in total and the grid spacing are 30 as the detla time was 0.0015s, the grid spacing take a really smaller value to maintain the CFL. Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 3 Figure 4 shows the relationship between the height against the spacing and the momentum against the spacing respectively, dam break scheme is used with base on a Lax-Wendroff approximation and for Figure 3, the running time is 10 seconds which is shorter then Figure 4 and the depth of the dam wall sets as 0.2m and break at 30m while Figure 4 sets as 0.5m depth and break at 50m. As the results show, the longer running time it takes, the stability and convergence of the approximation comes out. Also, both of the results withdraw the boundary which take an error while plot graph. So, a function for boundary condition has to be considered as well. References Guymon, Gary L. A Finite Element Solution Of The One-Dimensional Diffusion-Convection Equation. Water Resources Research 6.1 (1970): 204-210. Web.
Friday, October 25, 2019
How To Listen To Music, Not Just Hear It Essay example -- essays resea
How to Listen to Music, Not Just Hear it      To learn to listen to music, not just hear itYou need the right room, the right equipment, the perfect volume, the perfect spot, and (of course), the embracing of the music. After you have all the proper tools, you can sit and enjoy the music. The first consideration is to listen to music in a comfortable chair. I would highly recommend a good quality Lazy Boy recliner. Now, you need to find the best room to put that chair in, so you can listen to you music. The room can be any normal room with four walls but, the room can't be wide open. For example, it can't be an unfinished basement with concrete walls and a cement floor. The sound will not be able to bounce off the walls and give the effect as if the sound is coming from behind you, as well as in front of you (the surround effect). A good room to listen in, is a typical family room with sheet rock walls and four ninety degree corners. The second consideration is placement of speakers. The corners of a room are the perfect spot for your speakers. You shouldn't position them flush against the wall, but put the back of the speaker into the corner, so each side of the speaker is against each wall. For this reason, the bass is extended (louder), and the tweeters, mid-range, and woofers give you their undivided attention. Where to sit is simple, but it takes some easy calculations to find the perfect spot. There is a common rule for a person to experience...
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
History of Optometry Essay
Optometrist is the kind of doctor who makes sure that a person’s eyesight is functioning well and that there are no harmful diseases slowly emerging that may later on affect the sight of a person. They are in charge examining a patient’s eyes and gives prescription if it is needed. Like any other healthcare profession, an optometrist should and must have a certification which is a basic requirement before they practice their profession. Optometry is a healthcare profession that is autonomous, educated, and regulated (licensed/registered), and optometrists are the primary healthcare practitioners of the eye and visual system who provide comprehensive eye and vision care, which includes refraction and dispensing, detection/diagnosis and management of disease in the eye, and the rehabilitation of conditions of the visual system. (World Council of Optometry) However, there is a little knowledge about optometry and the emergence of optometrists. It is always associated with medicine, microbiology and physiology to name a few. There is no exact date or specific person who explored on the topic. But in 1886, the term ‘optometrist’ was coined by Landolt which means, â€Å"Glass fitter†or someone who makes and prescribe eyeglasses. Prior to this, there are already persons who call themselves ‘opticians’. Prior to this, there was a distinction between â€Å"dispensing†and â€Å"refracting†opticians in the 19th century. The latter were later called optometrists. (David Goss, History of Optometry, Lecture Handout, Indiana University School of Optometry, 2003) Before, the opticians are those who make glasses for a person but do not exactly know if that pair of glasses will fit the person or not. Or if that pair is the one that will help a person correct his eyesight. More, in the United States, the first school of optometry was founded sometime 1850-1900. Also, in 1940, the use of contact lenses was first established. The development of optometry in the US started way back 1600’s, where the first person to own glasses, Peter Brown who is a Pilgrim introduced the use of such device during the time when there are only a handful of people who knew about the said product. It is said that Peter Brown, a Pilgrim, brought a pair of eyeglasses to North America in 1620 and thus became the first to wear glasses on this continent. There is little known about the use of spectacles in North America for more than another hundred years. (David Goss, History of Optometry, Lecture Handout, Indiana University School of Optometry, 2003) At the onset of the 17th century, there were a number of American optometrists who came to the country to practice the profession. And since the Spectacles then were very expensive, this group of optometrists introduced better and more correct glasses that should be used by the people. Other notable early American optometrists were Benjamin Pike, who came to the US in the early 1800s, and James Prentice, who came to the US in 1847. They both were trained in optics in England, and they both trained their sons. James’ son, Charles Prentice, would have an important role in the development of American optometry. (David Goss, History of Optometry, Lecture Handout, Indiana University School of Optometry, 2003) On the other hand, not all diseases that concern the eye can be cured by an optometrist. Eyesight disease such as macular degeneration or the breakdown of a certain part of the retina to be able to see things clearly, cannot be treated by an optometrist. Rather, the ophthalmologist is the one responsible for its cure. Another is the Diabetic Retinopathy which is sometimes an indication for having diabetes. It is a kind of illness where the retina is being blocked by masses of blood clots that cause irregularities in a person’s eyesight. The most well-known disease that concerns the eye is the cataract – which the optometrist cannot cure as well. It is the work of the ophthalmologist to perform. They are the ones who prescribe supplements, vitamins and other needed medication to the patient. Sometimes, they also perform the surgery to remove the cataract. Among the many diseases that concern the eye, these are the few which is directly handled not by an optometrist but an ophthalmologist. Other diseases such as glaucoma, near/far sightedness can be treated by either an ophthalmologist or an optometrist.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
pablo essays
pablo essays Pablo Neruda starts his 1971 Nobel Lecture Towards the Splendid City, stating, so remote are we Chileans that our boundaries almost touch the South Pole, and continues by speaking of the, vast expanses in my native country, most specifically his journey across, the Andes to find the frontier of my country with Argentina, (Neruda 1). In his narration of this journey Neruda comes into contact with, seasoned country folk, in which he describes a personal experience that allows him to realize that perhaps they share the, same kind of dreams, and, there were hidden things that were understood, (Neruda 2). In this story he is seeking to depict the commonalities of humanity especially when encountering the harshness of nature. He then goes on in his speech to state that he, did not learn from books any recipe for writing a poem, and I, in my turn, will avoid giving any advice on mode or style which might give the new poets even a drop of supposed insight, (Neruda 4). He expresses that during the long journey he achieved the necessary tools for writing a poem, from the earth and from the soul, (Neruda 4). He states he believes, that poetry is an action, ephemeral or solemn, in which there enter as equal partners solitude and solidarity, emotion and action, the nearness to oneself, the nearness to mankind and to the secret manifestations of nature, (Neruda 4). Through the framework of this specific journey in the Andes, Neruda speaks of the creation of his poetry and says, I do not know whether I experienced this or created it, I do not know whether it was truth or poetry, something passing or permanent, the poems I experienced in this hour, the experiences which I later put into verse, (Neruda 5). The poet goes on to say that his journey is not unlike all the journeys of life and that all paths of humanity lead to the s...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Salary Negotiation Skills for Women Close the Pay Gap! Part 2
Salary Negotiation Skills for Women Close the Pay Gap! Part 2 Salary Negotiation Skills for Women: Close the Pay Gap! Part 2 Last week, I wrote about the importance of salary negotiation skills for women in my article, Salary Negotiation for Women. In it, I drew from information presented in a webinar by Professor Deborah Ellis that emphasized how salary negotiation skills can help close the gender pay gap. I promised last week to share more about specific salary negotiation skills. Following are some of the issues you might run into and how salary negotiation skills can help you address them. What if you’re asked about your prior salary or salary expectations at any point in your job search? Some employers try to get you to state a number before they do, which is in no way a good thing for you. A low number sets you up to be underpaid by some organizations, and a high number sets you up to be eliminated from consideration. Knowing how to answer the salary expectation question is hugely important for women so that they get paid fairly, not based on a previously too-low salary. Here’s how Professor Ellis recommends responding if you’re asked about your salary expectations or previous salary: If you’re in California, Massachusetts, Delaware, or Oregon, or in the cities of New York City and Philadelphia, you can explain that there are laws stating you are not required to answer it. These laws are a great step toward ending pay discrimination. For instance, say, â€Å"I’m sure that if you decide I’m the best candidate for the job, we can agree on an appropriate salary for the position.†Or ask them â€Å"What is the range that you’re thinking of for the position?†Show them you’ve done your research. Say, â€Å"I’ve done some research and understand that the range for this position is $X to $Y. I trust you will offer a fair salary based on industry standards.†If you must state a number, state a range. Or ask for a number at the top of the range you’ve researched, and explain you’re hoping for that salary but are willing to negotiate. Once you get an offer, here are Professor Ellis’s tips on how to negotiate effectively: Do not initiate a salary negotiation conversation before you get a job offer. Do not ask in your initial phone interview about salary, benefits, or working from home. Wait until you’ve been offered a position before you bring up any of these issues. Otherwise you will be seen as immature at best, and greedy at worst. You won’t get a second interview. Be prepared. Before you step into a negotiation, calculate your target, your ask, and your bottom line. Gather as many objective facts as possible, including the salaries of others. There are two main ways to do your research: Surf the web. Use,, and industry-specific websites. Ask your networks (including LinkedIn!). If you’re a woman, ask your colleagues what a man would ask to be paid for this job. If you want to work from home, find out ahead of time whether other people in similar positions have worked from home. Ask for up to 20% over your target. And don’t accept anything below your bottom line. Negotiate the total package just salary–keep salary and benefits, title, scope of responsibility, travel, flexibility, and resources to accomplish your job on the table. Asking for more than one thing allows you to trade off. Keep in mind that some benefits might be non-negotiable, and do not push on those. Note: If you’re asking for multiple things, let the employer know at the beginning of the conversation- and ask them in what order they would like to address those things. Understand and leverage the concept of anchoring. Here’s how anchoring works: The first number anyone says is the number that everyone will remember. So don’t say a low number first or you’ll be stuck with a low number! Start with a high number and then anything else will sound smaller. If you have another offer, that’s a great benchmark and bargaining point. Always be conversational and pleasant while you’re advising a potential employer of other offers! Identify employer’s interests. For more good advice on this strategy, read Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, by Roger Fisher, William Ury, and Bruce Patton. Ask for time to consider an offer if you need it. If a company wants you, they’ll be willing to wait- whether that’s overnight or even a week or two, depending on the situation. Practice with peers or a professional interview coach- and then go negotiate! How can I learn more about salary negotiation and salary negotiation for women? Here are some great resources suggested by Professor Ellis: AAUW, American Association of University Women Babcock Laschever, Ask For It: How Women Can Use the Power of Negotiation to Get What They Really Want (2009) Babcock Laschever, Women Don’t Ask: The High Cost of Avoiding Negotiation- and Positive Strategies for Change (2007) Roger Fisher, William Ury, Bruce Patton, Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In (1991) If you are a woman (or a man) with an upcoming interview, try using some of these salary negotiation skills, strategies and tactics. I’d love to hear the results!
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Eugenics of Darwinism Essays
Eugenics of Darwinism Essays Eugenics of Darwinism Essay Eugenics of Darwinism Essay Eugenics of Darwinism In 1883, shortly after the abolishment of slavery, Francis Gallon, a cousin of Charles Darwin, expanded on Darnings theories of evolution to create a concept he called Eugenics. Eugenics is the thought that genetics and race determine intelligence, social behavior, disease, poverty and other things including characteristics such as feeble-mindedness. This belief would be used to exterminate masses of people throughout history. Many social elite around the globe accept this belief as truth and supported it whole-heartedly by funding much of the research and practices or by miming to the defense of those whom decided to use Eugenics to Justify their horrific actions. The documentary Racism a History produced by BBC details a history leading up to the development of Eugenics and then the use of Eugenics to Justify the elimination and population control of several groups of people deemed by believers of the concept to be expendable in order to preserve the fittest race. Survival of the fittest. In 1803 the British settled in Tasmania, Australia. The indigenous people of Tasmania were the aboriginal tribe. The settlers would kill an aboriginal any time they came across one. However, a missionary named George Augustus Robertson was hired to capture the indigenous people and try to civilize them according to the norm of British society instead of killing them. He convinced 300 aboriginals to move to a new settlem ent he called Point Civilization so that he could turn them into proper Christians. By the middle sass about 260 of teethe had died of exposure to disease brought by the Europeans. This fate would lend support to Darwinism and eventually Eugenics on the matter of natural selection (survival of the fittest species). Killings continued in several other countries where many other indigenous people would perish by the actions of Europeans. All would be Justified by scientific racism like Eugenics. One of the most profound Justifications the documentary uses to display this White European mindset of a favored race happened in the sass. India was under British rule and the country had climate change due to El Ion that would cause a depletion of crops. The British Raja sat back and let over 30 million Indian people die from starvation and Justified his inaction by not wanting to interfere with the natural selection. In 1904 in a colony of Germany located in Iambi, Africa, the indigenous people rebelled against the Germans. This led the Germans to build the first concentration camps. Shark Island is where one of these concentration camps was located. It is stated that every African that went to Shark Island knew they would die there. Thousands of Africans lost their lives via the Germans there. Some refer to this as the Black Holocaust. During the early sass, the United States was experiencing a massive influx of immigrants. Many in the US were concerned that this immigration combined with the abolishment of slavery would lead to racial mixing and would threaten the survival of the superior race. The Eugenics Records Office was formed. The office was run by Charles Davenport. During this venture, sterilization of the lower genetic p ool was conceived as well as marriage laws that restricting interracial marriages and forced sterilizations of several citizens deemed genetically deficient were performed. Some sterilizations were even preformed on hillier as young as 10. Germany saw what the Americans were doing and not only applauded the attempts to eradicate the weaker genetics but also adopted the sterilization process. The American Rockefeller foundation funded the building for the German Eugenics facilities. Placed in charge of the facility was Eugene Fischer whom had earlier studied the racially mixed people of Reboot in Africa concluding that racial mixing is bad for the white race because the African traits show dominance in the offspring. At the German facility, Fischer was in charge of the theorization of 400 racially mixed children. Soon the German facility moved onto gassing over 70000 mentally ill and when they ran out of mentally ill subjects, they gassed over 15000 that were considered sick. Some of these people were labeled as sick merely because they wore glasses. These actions would lead to the mass genocide of the Jewish people via Hitler. While Germany, Britain and the United States were large contributors to the atrocities linked to Eugenics, other countries also supported the movement including Sweden which sterilized over 60000 people u to race or mental illness. However, it was hard for a people that were poor, uneducated and it is probably safe to assume, non-violent to fight against Eugenics when it had such noted and powerful supporters such as Winston Churchill, Charles Dickens, Charles Kinsley, George Bernard Shaw, H G Wells and Margaret Ganger Just to name a few. The many stories of Eugenics seem hidden away from history, lost in the shadows of the Jewish Holocaust. These recollections of history cant and shouldnt stay hidden. I find this documentary to be very informative and reliable. I would recommend it to a friend and also use it as an instructional aid. The reasons why I would do this are because the video gives a new perspective of global interest in race relations during the times leading up to the holocaust and lends to several questions regarding why the murders of so many blacks and mentally ill were swept under the table never to be discussed while pretty much everyone knows about the Jewish Holocaust. I rate this video a 4. 5 out of 5. I would give it a perfect 5 but I feel they had to edit content out due to time limits.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Why Is It Advantageous for a Modern Employer to Fire Employees Essay
Why Is It Advantageous for a Modern Employer to Fire Employees - Essay Example The article entitled "Risky business, but not for the boss", by Ross Gittins, describes the elements of risk, both from a business perspective and that of the average employee and local citizen. Three specific activities are mentioned in the article, with the emphasis on the contemporary tendency of modern business to shift risk-related expenses away from the company and onto the employee. These risks include the offering of superannuation to employees, inventory, and production, and full-time versus part-time workers. The article discusses "longevity risk" (Gittins, 2007), which entails a company's willingness to provide a contribution to retirement and pension accounts. Historically, companies contributed more, however, today employees are expected to make financial arrangements (outside of high company contributions) which will sustain them long-term. This reflects a changing attitude on behalf of today's large companies, which are focused on eliminating expenses associated with business operations and long-term employee compensation. The Marxist economic theory focuses on the growth of big business and its 'relentless drive for capital accumulation' (Kang, 2006). Under Marxist economics, free market capitalism is affected by the laborers who bring these companies increased growth and revenues. Shifting risk to the employees satisfies corporate profitability objectives, which could lead to more social and community improvements, however, long-term the impact on the political-economic landscape is immense. When these individuals reach retirement age, they will have fewer finances available, due to corporate risk-shifting practices, leading to decreases in consumption. In this instance, governmental intervention is required to ensure that these employees maintain a significant retirement income so as not to upset the balance of supply and demand which keeps the Australian economic system afloat.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Market Competitiveness Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Market Competitiveness - Research Paper Example The study will assess the relation between market competitiveness and organization pay system. It will help the organizations that are incapable to pay competitive salaries to its employees due to inadequate financial resources. Employee compensation is a key aspect in order to determine the market and industry competitiveness of a business. On the other hand, employee compensation also determines the productivity and effectiveness of an employee. As the salaries and wages contribute significantly to the income of employees therefore, the comfort, emotion, health and physical wellbeing of people is very much dependent on it. This has the insinuation that, firms that are unable to pay competitive salaries to their employees it may result struggling, less healthy and stressed up life of workers. It will affect the competitiveness of the company. Therefore, it can be said that less market unable to pay employee compensation may result less market competitiveness of organizations and less productivity of employees. Several level of employee compensation may also manipulate the employees’ behavior and attitude towards their organization and specific jobs. Lowly paid employees lean to show negative attitude toward their job as they are less motivated. These will definitely affect the productivity of employees that will negatively impact on the performance of the organization. Talented and skilled employees are basically more productive. It will save several training and orientation cost of organization. It also entails that the organizations that find it difficult to present attractive compensation will barely attract these experienced, talented and skilled employees. The organizations with limited financial resource can employ a key strategy in order to improve compensation of employees is bonus compensation system or performance based compensation system. It will allow the employees to be compensated appropriately
Special Topics in international Business Assignment
Special Topics in international Business - Assignment Example (Aswathappa, 2006). Trade barriers greatly affect the decisions on international businesses as they impose restrictions on international trade in specific country or economic region. Thus, the company willing to export goods to a foreign market where trade barriers are high may find this business strategy inevitable because of high costs incurred in result of trade barriers (Aswathappa, 2006). Globalisation has created both opportunities and challenges for the international business. Some of the major opportunities are: opportunity to reach global market and to increase significantly revenues, opportunity to reach economies of scales, to reduce manufacturing costs by otsourcing production facilities to other countries, opportunities to gain access to technical expertise and technical know-how, opportunity to reach global resources that are not available or expensive in home country risks (Wild & Wild, 2011). Thus, for example, the UAE-based airline company, the Emirates Group, was founded in 1985. Nowadays, the company provides passenger, postal and cargo carriage services across the world (Wild & Wild, 2011). Globalisation allowed the company to expand significantly the number of destinations up to 100, to achieve economies of scales, to develop additional sources of revenue, etc. However, globalisation poses substantial challenges for international business as well. While the international companies gain access to global markets, they simultaneously face with fierce competition on behalf of both local and international companies. Another significant challenge is associated with the fact that companies need to work in different countries with different cultures. The companies that have no previous experience in international business it might be quite difficult to adjust to the cultural differences. With the development of IT operations the
Prescription Addition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Prescription Addition - Essay Example This paper shall examine the various reasons for prescription addition of the eye of an individual. We will examine various common ailments and the reasons due to which these ailments cause a prescription addition. The areas which will be studied in this section are Presbyopia, Anisometropia, squints, the various debilitating effects of diabetes mellitus and juvenile stress myopia. These issues will be studied with respect to their relevance in prescription addition. The other major issue which will be studied is the difficulties in dispensing eye prescriptions. This issue is an often neglected issue, but it has a big effect on the patient as it is the patient who is eventually denied suitable eye care. The dispensing issues which will be examined are aphakic prescriptions, iseikonic lenses, pediatric dispensing, low vision aids and protective spectacles. These dispensing issues will be examined from the patient's viewpoint. As mentioned earlier there are numerous causes due to which prescription addition occurs. The most common is Presbyopia, which is caused due to increased age. The main cause of presbyopia is the reduced suppleness of the lens in the human eye. This suppleness is required to focus the objects near the eye. The Ciliary muscle which helps the eye to focus becomes less efficient. The lens loose their ability to alter their focusing power, the capsule which contains the lens in the eye loses its suppleness. The combination of these two factors results in a decrease in the ability to accommodate (reduced accommodation) (Woodruff 2001).This results in progressive prescription addition with the passage of time. Anisometropia Anisometropia is caused due to the differences in the dioptric values between both eyes of a single person. This is generally caused either due to refractive surgery causing a difference in the ability of both eyes. Other reasons are overcorrections of myopic and hyperopic patients. Lastly, Anisometropia is also caused, if one eye is significantly more astigmatic than the other. Irregular astigmatism can cause an imbalance in the refractive power of both the eyes (Woodruff 2001). Prescription addition due to Anisometropia are caused primarily because of either surgery causing a difference in the refractive power between either eyes or the overcorrections of myopic and hyperopic patients. Squint A squint refers to a state where the eyes are not aligned in the same direction Squints are caused by many reasons and occur more in children. As we are focusing on prescription additions, squints especially those that arise from hypermetropia (long sightedness) are treated with the relevant prescription addition. Then the child will be assessed for the decrease of the degree squint and the child's prescription will be changed accordingly. There are various reasons for the occurrence of squints and consequent prescription addition (for the correction of the squint) amongst children. Illnesses like viral fever, measles, and meningitis are known to cause squints. Injury to the nerves attached to the eye muscles can also cause squint.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Quantitative Easing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Quantitative Easing - Essay Example Quantitative easing has policies that when well implemented can result to reduction of systematic risks and improve market confidence. Consequently, it can contribute to higher inflation than desired in case policy makers overestimate the amount of easing required (Gibbons, 2011:224). This essay will seek to explain the extent in which the practice of quantitative easing threatens the independence of policymakers. Quantitative easing is another bank bailout. Money created in form of promissory notes or bonds and is available to only those banks that have received the quantitative easing (Biefang-FrisanchoMariscal, and Howells, 2011:98). When the rate of interests is high, there is an alternative method of influencing the price of money circulating in the economy. This alternate solution is quantitative easing whose aim is to lower the rates of interests affecting companies and households where the central bank takes the most important step, QE, by generating new money for use in an e conomy. Therefore, quantitative easing, dubbed printing money, assumes the definition of unconventional monetary policy acquired by the central banks in view of stimulating the economy at times when the conventional monetary policy fails. ... 2012). These unconventional measures had principle element in the United Kingdom whereby, their policy was to purchase assets with finances from the central bank, in short, quantitative easing (Howells and Hussein, 1997:378). Between March 2009 and January 2010, there were more than 200 billion Euros purchases of assets. Overwhelmingly, this amount comprised of government securities that ended up representing 14 percent of the annual Gross Domestic Product (Howells, 2010:314). The motivation and implementation of these central banks’ asset purchase had significant economical impacts and according to the Bank of England, quantitative easing made considerable uncertainty regarding magnitudes of the UK’s financial market (Douglas, 2011). Recently, the growth of broad money slowed dramatically within the economy of the United Kingdom since when recession commenced. Indicators of the recession were in part things like reduced borrowing by households and companies. Presumably , the Bank of England had to practice quantitative easing on behalf of Monetary Policy Committee in order to offset the UK’s economy from this weakness (Joyce, 2010). This practice boosted huge sums of money holdings into the economy. However, it threatened the independence of the policymakers since there is documented evidence from the monetary data depicted that the asset purchase program led to an increase in prices of assets (Biefang-FrisanchoMariscal, and Howells 2011:102). In addition, it ultimately contributed to increase in nominal demand in the UK’s economy making other evidence from other financial markets corroborative (Ellis, 2009:31). In 2009, the Monetary Policy Committee made a stern decision of making the economy of the United Kingdom an elaborate market with
Qustions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Qustions - Essay Example Franchising can also generate high financial returns for relatively little risk since little money is put into each location. Franchise business model leads to lesser control over managers since the franchisees cannot be controlled as employees. Franchisees are independent businesses with different goals from the owner that may eventually lead into legal troubles. It is also not easy to get franchisees compared to hired store managers to work together and the franchisees obtain incentives to profit from each other’s efforts to generate business. There are also innovation challenges associated with franchising since when an individual comes up with an idea, there must be a negotiation with other franchisees to accept the innovation. Porter’s Five Forces technique is a very significant tool, which attempts to point out at some of the significant strength in every business situation. These forces help in identifying some of the competitive intensity as well as overall industry profitability. The Porter’s tool highlights competition from both external and internal sources. The strengths identified by the Porter’s tool may help a business to understand her strength in the competitive position as well as the strength of a place or step that the business wants to make. It is therefore clear that by identifying strength position, business can take fair advantage, eliminate wrong situations and eventually creating sustainable advantage. Supplier power is one of the important forces, which help business to determine ease of driving up prices by the suppliers. Business may counterbalance this force by standardizing specifications in parts for it to change among suppliers easily. Business may decide to add more vendors or even change technology to eliminate coming together of strong suppliers. By standardizing specifications, adding more vendors, and
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Prescription Addition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Prescription Addition - Essay Example This paper shall examine the various reasons for prescription addition of the eye of an individual. We will examine various common ailments and the reasons due to which these ailments cause a prescription addition. The areas which will be studied in this section are Presbyopia, Anisometropia, squints, the various debilitating effects of diabetes mellitus and juvenile stress myopia. These issues will be studied with respect to their relevance in prescription addition. The other major issue which will be studied is the difficulties in dispensing eye prescriptions. This issue is an often neglected issue, but it has a big effect on the patient as it is the patient who is eventually denied suitable eye care. The dispensing issues which will be examined are aphakic prescriptions, iseikonic lenses, pediatric dispensing, low vision aids and protective spectacles. These dispensing issues will be examined from the patient's viewpoint. As mentioned earlier there are numerous causes due to which prescription addition occurs. The most common is Presbyopia, which is caused due to increased age. The main cause of presbyopia is the reduced suppleness of the lens in the human eye. This suppleness is required to focus the objects near the eye. The Ciliary muscle which helps the eye to focus becomes less efficient. The lens loose their ability to alter their focusing power, the capsule which contains the lens in the eye loses its suppleness. The combination of these two factors results in a decrease in the ability to accommodate (reduced accommodation) (Woodruff 2001).This results in progressive prescription addition with the passage of time. Anisometropia Anisometropia is caused due to the differences in the dioptric values between both eyes of a single person. This is generally caused either due to refractive surgery causing a difference in the ability of both eyes. Other reasons are overcorrections of myopic and hyperopic patients. Lastly, Anisometropia is also caused, if one eye is significantly more astigmatic than the other. Irregular astigmatism can cause an imbalance in the refractive power of both the eyes (Woodruff 2001). Prescription addition due to Anisometropia are caused primarily because of either surgery causing a difference in the refractive power between either eyes or the overcorrections of myopic and hyperopic patients. Squint A squint refers to a state where the eyes are not aligned in the same direction Squints are caused by many reasons and occur more in children. As we are focusing on prescription additions, squints especially those that arise from hypermetropia (long sightedness) are treated with the relevant prescription addition. Then the child will be assessed for the decrease of the degree squint and the child's prescription will be changed accordingly. There are various reasons for the occurrence of squints and consequent prescription addition (for the correction of the squint) amongst children. Illnesses like viral fever, measles, and meningitis are known to cause squints. Injury to the nerves attached to the eye muscles can also cause squint.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Qustions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Qustions - Essay Example Franchising can also generate high financial returns for relatively little risk since little money is put into each location. Franchise business model leads to lesser control over managers since the franchisees cannot be controlled as employees. Franchisees are independent businesses with different goals from the owner that may eventually lead into legal troubles. It is also not easy to get franchisees compared to hired store managers to work together and the franchisees obtain incentives to profit from each other’s efforts to generate business. There are also innovation challenges associated with franchising since when an individual comes up with an idea, there must be a negotiation with other franchisees to accept the innovation. Porter’s Five Forces technique is a very significant tool, which attempts to point out at some of the significant strength in every business situation. These forces help in identifying some of the competitive intensity as well as overall industry profitability. The Porter’s tool highlights competition from both external and internal sources. The strengths identified by the Porter’s tool may help a business to understand her strength in the competitive position as well as the strength of a place or step that the business wants to make. It is therefore clear that by identifying strength position, business can take fair advantage, eliminate wrong situations and eventually creating sustainable advantage. Supplier power is one of the important forces, which help business to determine ease of driving up prices by the suppliers. Business may counterbalance this force by standardizing specifications in parts for it to change among suppliers easily. Business may decide to add more vendors or even change technology to eliminate coming together of strong suppliers. By standardizing specifications, adding more vendors, and
Definition of family Essay Example for Free
Definition of family Essay The definition of a family according to the U. S. Census Bureau is that a family consists of a householder and any other person living in the same household. However, the people living in the family should be related to the householder either by birth, marriage, or by adoption. The people in a family who are related to the householder are termed as his family members. However, in some houses there might also be people living in a family who might be unrelated to the householder, therefore they are not to be included in the householder’s family while the census is being carried out and thus, the number of family households is equal to the number of families, but the family households may include more members than do families. Therefore, the crux of this would be that all the households do not contain families as they might be unrelated as well. Functions of a family Basically the two functions of a family are: †¢ Economic functions †¢ Political functions Other than these two major categories, a family has a number of functions after doing which a family can be really termed as a family in a true sense and these are mentioned below. One of the most important functions is reproduction of babies and once a child is born, it is the duty of the householder to look after the children, take care of them, monitor that day to day activities, supervise them on certain things, interact with them and provide them with all the necessities and love it would require to make them good grown ups. As it is not just necessary to give birth to the baby, however they should also be taken care of so that they survive to become adult members of the society. Two persons basically tie the knot of marriage in order to legitimize their sexual relationship and this ensures the offspring is healthy. The household head is supposed to provide economics support to the family as well as to fulfill the love, emotional, security needs of the family. In the end, I would also add that the family is looked upon in the society with respect and they have a certain position in the society than those individuals just living together without marriage. (Schwartz Scott, 2007). As mentioned above, a family consists of the household member who is basically responsible for his family members. However, to define my family I would say that my family does not fulfill the definition of the family mentioned above. This is because the fathers are usually the ones who are said to be the household heads and they are responsible of taking care of the family members. I am only the child in my family and my parents were divorced when I was four years old. I am living with my Mom right now and the rest of my family is living in China. Most of the family functions that I mentioned above are not actually applicable to my family. This is because my parents had an unhappy marriage and this thing gave me a lot of bad experiences. The first function of the family is to ensure that the baby grows as an adult of a society. In my case, however I did become an adult but it was just my mother who took care of me and looked after all my needs. A father is always necessary to make a family more strong as the responsibilities of a father are different than ones of a mother but in my case, my mother was my mother as well as my father. She was the one who was responsible for each and every activity of mine. It is believed that a family is economically supported mostly by the fathers, however as my mother had a divorce with my father, she was the one who had to support my needs all by herself. And I think that my family did not manage things well. The divorce of my parents at the time when I was just four was a shock for me as for a family to survive well; both the mother as well as the father has to be there so that they might fulfill their own set of responsibilities and ensure that the family is living happily. However, this was not the case for my family as the divorce between my parents made things worse for me. Although my mother did all she could do for me but still the presence of the father is essential for a family to prosper well. Thus, according to me, my family did not address the functions of a family well as it was an unhappy and irresponsible family. The fundamental purpose of each family is to fulfill the requirements and the functions of a family. It is vital for each family to fulfill their responsibilities as this not just affects the family alone but the society and the environment as well and it also affects the people around you. No one likes to be friends with the families who are not well settled in a way that the parents might have conflicts amongst each other or they might not want to live with each other and this would create lots of problems for their children. Therefore, for a country to prosper well it is essential that the families living there are happy and contended. The functions of the family highlight the responsibilities the household head has with reference to their family. Therefore, its informative nature helps to think about families in terms of the functions it fulfills. Reference Schwartz, M. A. Scott, B. M. (2007). Marriages and families: Diversity and change. 5th Edn. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Feeding Of The Five Thousand Religion Essay
The Feeding Of The Five Thousand Religion Essay Meier believes the version of the feeding of the five thousand story from Mark 8: 14-21, when compared to the second feeding miracle, is a redaction; that is being reworded. This comment is loosely based on the fact that the disciples did not experience the miracle face to face (vis-à -vis). The version of John has similarities from the one in Mark 8: 1-10, said while the same cannot be said about the one found in Mark 6:32-44; it cannot be found. For example, the question of whence occurs in both Mark 8: 4 and John 6:5. The main difficulty that Meir has is the John story of the feed story is independent on the version found in the book of Mark. He feels it does not make sense that the version found in Mark 8 is considered the redaction of Mark 6, if the one found in John 8 share much similarities with that of Mark 6, instead of version in Mark 8. He is aware that many people run into problems when trying to explain such a thing. Meier questions how is it that Mark creates a reword ing of the story, that shares many key points with John 6 and not Mark 8; Mark 6 and John 6 share the feeding story with the five thousand people fed with five loaves of bread and two fishes, while the Mark version feeds four thousand people with seven loaves and a few fishes. On the other note, they both share the Greek name for baskets (two hundred pennyworth of bread), as opposed to Mark 8. According to Meier, Mark 6:32-44 has the greatest numbers of parallels with the independent version of John 6: 1 15. The theory that Mark 6 is a Marcan redaction based solely on Mark 8 is unsustainable. Not only is John 6 is the independent version of the feeding, but also that Mark 6 and Mark 8 represent two different versions of the feeding miracle; both were spread in the pre-Marcan tradition of the first Christian generation. There has been great debates on which elements should be assigned to tradition or redaction in the feeding stories based in Mark 6, Mark 8 and John 6. Meier believes some redaction traits are more in the open. The Johnanne version takes great care in letting the reader know that Jesus already knows what Philip is going to do, even as Philip ask John for information. Another redaction intervention can be found in John 6:4, with the mention of Passover; which is more debatable. The best way in indicating the essential elements of the primitive feeding story is to list the elements most prevalent in at least two out of the three stories, or even from the three. Since John has the independent version of the feeding story, it makes sense for the John version and one of the Marcan versions to be used. According to Meier, the way to tell which version of the feeding of the multitude is primitive it would have to contain the following elements: The Setup (which is the temporal and geographic al setting, the introduction of the characters, and the need to be met). The setting is on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, which is an uninhabited, desolate place. The actors include Jesus, his disciples and a large crowd that had followed due to the miracles performed by Christ. The dialogue in presenting the problem, Jesus and his disciples discuss on the subject about the lack of food for the multitude; there are only five loaves and two fishes. The lack of supplies is pretty obvious. The command in which Jesus tells the crowd to relax on the grass brings the setup to an end and provides the connection to the miracle proper (which is the words and deeds that affect the miracle and the awareness of the miracle taking place). Jesus takes the five loaves, give thanks, he breaks them and gives it to his disciples to distribute, same thing with the fish. Everyone is filled. The Conclusion is the confirmation that the miracle actually happened: There are twelve baskets full of leftov er bread, as the multitude have become full. Other possible conclusions are that Jesus dismisses the crowd, found in the Mark versions, or the crowd acclaims Jesus, found in Johns version. During Jesus pubic ministries, many have believed he performed miracles of exorcism and doubt that the feeding of the multitude goes back to any event in his lifetime. One of the reasons is that many commentators believe the feeding story was strongly influenced by old testament stories, particularly the story of Elisha feeding one hundred people with twenty barley loaves found in 2 Kings 4:42 44, the accounts of Jesus actions over the bread and wine at the Last Supper, and from the regular repetition of the words and actions of Jesus in early Christian worship. It is from these stories that many critics believe the feeding of the multitude arose in the early church. In Meiers view, each sources have left their individual mark on the various versions of the story; some versions more than others. It still remains to be proven if Jewish and Christian influences had any part with creating the Gospel miracle story. The Old Testament story that has the most in common of the feeding of th e multitude is the miracle of feeding by the prophet Elisha. In 2 Kings 4:42-44, a man comes from Baalshalisha, brings Elisha an offering of twenty loaves of barley bread. Elisha orders his servant to give the bread to the people to eat. The servant questions how this amount of bread can satisfy them. Elisha repeats his command with a small prophecy from Yahweh They shall eat and there will be some left over (v 43). The servant obeys and the prophecy is fulfilled (v 44). The parallels of the both feeding of the multitude stories are obvious: (1) The prophets apparent impossible order: a prophets orders his servant to feed a large group of people with a known small amount of bread (20 loaves to hundred men, 5 loaves for five thousand), (2) Bread with some other foodstuff , (3) The objection from his servant: the servant does not understand what is to happen, so he protests and stresses the impossibility of satisfying one hundred people with twenty loaves, (4) The prophets insistent c ommand: overriding his servants objection, insisting the order be carried out as planned, (5) The miracle and its confirmation by way of surplus: when the order is obeyed, the people are fed and there is leftover bread present. In order for another miracle to seem even greater, the number of people fed would naturally be increased in the Gospel story (from one hundred to four or five thousand), and the number of loaves on hand would naturally be decreased (from twenty to seven thousand or five thousand). At the same time, there are apparent differences between the Elisha and the Gospel feeding miracles. (1) There is no exact geographical or temporal setting to the Elisha story, unlike the feeding of the multitude (ex by the Sea of Galilee, near Passover, in the late afternoon), (2) In 2 Kings, there is nothing said of a crowd following Elisha. (3) There is no description to who the hundred people are and it is unclear where they came from in this concise story. (4) There is no indication that the hundred people were suffering from great hunger, lack of food or are unable to get any food by normal means. (5) The miracle story in 2 Kings begins with the surprising command of Elisha, with no preparation, background, or motivation in the narrative. When compared, the conversation between Jesus and his disciples setup the problem of the peoples lack of food before any food is present on site. (6) In the Gospels, the disciples are the ones that supply and locate the little food, and they d o so only after the story is under way. (7) Jesus first commands the crowd to sit on the grass, performing the Jewish household ritual for beginning a formal meal, which does not happen in the Elisha story; including the fish. (8) The questions and objections of the disciples precede his actual order, thus introducing the miracle proper. (9) The amount of leftovers in the Elishas story is unknown, compared to the twelve or seven baskets of bread left over in the Gospel narratives. (10) The basic structure of the concise Elisha story is based on prophecy and fulfillment, not so much the Gospel story. There are many other parallels that some versions of the Gospel story have with the Elisha story; but the parallels are not necessarily part of the most primitive form of the Gospel miracle of feeding. For example, the notion that the bread is barley is found only in Johns version (6:9, 13) of the Gospel story; the same adjective used in the Elisha story. While the mention of barley might be a relic from the primitive form of the Gospel story preserved in John, it is also possible that Johns version is late and secondary. Another possible explanation of the specification of barley loaves, John mentions that the miracle takes place near Passover (which is the time of the barley harvest). In other words, Johns notion that the bread was barley might simply be his way of emphasizing his beloved Passover symbolism. That goes to show that every parallel found between the present Gospel versions of Jesus feeding of the multitude and the Elisha story does not go back to the primitive form of the Gospel story. Even though the Elisha story shares a number of basic elements with the primitive version of the Gospel story, there is much in the Gospel miracle not found in 2 Kings 4:42-44. The other major text suggested as sources for the feeding miracle are the various forms of Jesus words and actions over the bread and wine at the Last Supper. According to Meier, not all commentators agree that the feeding miracle was affected by the Last Supper. Among the two Marcan and the one Johanne versions, the overtones of the Last Supper seem more evident in the structure of the second Marcan story. In Mark 8: 6-7, it says (over the bread) And taking the seven loaves of bread, giving thanks, he broke them and gave them to his disciplesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Over the fish) and pronouncing a blessing over them, he commanded them also to be set out, and they ate. At the Last Supper, Jesus said And taking the loaf of bread, giving thanks, he broke it and gave it to the disciplesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Over the cup) giving thanks or pronouncing a blessing, he gave it to them and they all drank. It is obvious that they share similarities in words. In the second Marcan version, there is a delay in the mentioning of the fish. This causes the bread to dominate the story from the beginning to the end. In the Marcan version of the Last Supper (Mark 14:22 -23), Jesus first pronounces a blessing over the bread and then gives thanks over the wine, with the same participles, in reverse order, that are used in Mark 8:6-7. The parallel with the Last Supper narrative is not quite clear in the first version of the feeding miracle, and less clear in John 6. The commentators that reject the Last Supper as a parallel stress the actions of Jesus over the bread and wine was merely the thanksgiving to God, as done by the head of a Jewish household over the bread that is broken to begin a formal meal. While there is some truth to this claim, it does not take into account a number of factors. (1) Mark 8:1-10 is so significant in the debate is because the tradition has evidently been carefully altered to provide a balanced pattern of giving thanks and then pronouncing a blessing over the dishes of food. The parallel of thanksgiving or blessings over the bread first and then over the side dish (fish) does not match the original Jewish ritual of thanksgiving; but matches the narrative of Jesus parallel thanksgiving or blessing over the bread and wine. (2) Within the context of the Synoptic Gospels, it really misses the point to say that the actions of Jesus over the bread and fish are similar to ones of a Jewish host at a formal meal; the actions of Jesus over the bread do not echo with those of the Synoptic Jesus at the Last Supper. (3) The isolated version of the feeding miracle found in Mark 8:6-7 are mostly likely later developments in the tradition of the Gospel story. Neither the Last Supper nor the Elisha story can prove the presence of fish alongside the bread. The fish tends to be increasingly downplayed in most of the Gospel versions of the feeding story; they are a primitive element rather than a later development in the tradition. In Meiers opinion, there is no explanation for their presence in all the versions of the story of some originating event in the life of Jesus. The earliest form of the feeding miracle available to us does not seem to have crossed with Elisha or Last Supper motifs and some of the elements of the earliest form (notably the fish are not explainable on the g rounds of the Elisha and Last Supper traditions. Rather, the account of Jesus feeding the multitude was defected. The stories of Elisha and the Last Supper do not seem to have created the Gospel feeding miracle. (4) Although the feeding miracle concerns the multiplication of loaves and fish, in every version of the feeding miracle the fish falls into the background. The subject is kept mostly on the bread, probably because the bread offers a direct cross-reference to the Last Supper. As seen in the second Marcan version of the feeding miracle (Mark 8:1-10), the story speaks almost entirely of loaves of bread or leftover pieces of bread. A few fish is only mentioned in one verse (8:7). Meier takes an unbiased position. On one hand, he rejects the views of the commentators that the Elisha story or the Last Supper had any influence on the feeding miracle. The parallels are so clear. On the other hand, the parallels are not much that the origin of the feeding miracle narrative can be en tirely explained merely by application to the Elisha story or the Last Supper tradition. The Elisha story and Last Supper tradition cannot completely explain the origin of the story of Jesus feeding the multitude. The question that comes into place is whether there are indications that some historical event in Jesus ministry may be behind the early Christian narrative? The answer comes from two criteria of historicity. (1) When compared to most Gospel miracle stories, the feeding miracle is supported by an unusually strong verification of multiple sources. It is not only verified independently in both Mark and John, but also two variant forms (cycles) of the tradition lying behind Marks Gospel; each one begins with one version of the feeding miracle (Mark 6:32-44 and Mark 8:1-10). Before the cycles were created, the two versions of the feeding miracle would have spread as independent units, the first version attracting itself to the story of Jesus walking on the water (a development that can be witnessed in John 6), while the second version did not receive much detail. B ehind all the versions of the miracle story, it would have had some primitive form. (2) Jesus normally spoke of the coming kingdom of God under the image of a banquet. The emphasis of a banquet or festival meal as an image of the kingdom were not just words spoken; it played an important role in Jesus actions as well. Jesus has been known for his presence at festival banquets (Mark 2:15-17; Matthew 11:18-19; Luke 7:33-34). Based on Meiers opinion, in comparison to the various celebrations of table fellowship hosted by Jesus, the most memorable one was the feeding of the multitude; due to the unusual number of participants; also this one was held at the Sea of Galilee, rather than in a town or village. Some have suggested that Jesus and his disciples shared what little food they had with others, which influenced the rest of the crowd (especially the rich people present in the crowd) by their good example to share their supplies until all were fed. Other critics came up with the assumption that Jesus hid supplies of food in a cave and made his disciples distribute it to the crowd. Albert Schweitzer gave his own twist; Jesus gave everyone in the crowd a piece of bread as a symbol of the heavenly banquet to come; the meal was thus the antitype of the messianic feastà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦a sacrament of redemption. Meier believes the sources do not allow us to specify the details of the event, especially since the influence of both the Elisha miracle story and the Last Supper tradition on the retelling of the story in Christian decades. Whether something actually miraculous happened is not open to verification by the means of a historian; it ultimately depends on a persons worldview, not what historical investigation can tell us about the event. In the last analysis, nothing connects these widely different stories together. For some time, it has seemed that at least one link, non-historically, would connect all the natural miracles together. But now the common link has been broken by the story of Jesus feeding the multitude, in Meiers view, that goes back to some memorable meal of the public ministry. Once again, the common category called nature miracles is viewed to be an illusion. According to Daniel Harrington, the story of the miracle feeding is the only miracle of Jesus proved in all four Gopsels, and the only one that is recounted in two forms. The feedings occur in the wilderness or desolate places and are gift miracles similar to the water from the rock (Exod 17:1-7) and the miraculous feeding of the Israelites through manna in the wilderness (Exod 16:1-36). Daniel says the Wisdom tradition feeding is linked with teaching and bread is linked with knowledge. Harrington states the closest the story in the Old Testament that parallels the miracle story found in Mark is the feeding story of Elisha; he agrees with Meier. In both stories, the main characters (Jesus, Elisha) give an impossible order involving a small amount of food and a large crowd to feed. In both cases, there is food left over even though there are more people than there is food. The narrative follows the general structure of a miracle story with a setting that describes a situation of need, a request, the mighty work itself, and some demonstration of the action. There are a number of elements that brings up the question of relations between the two Marcian feedings. They have similarity in setting, content, and structure but also, significant differeneces. The differences are the number of individuals in the crowd (5000 vs. 4000), the amount of food originally available, and the disclosure between Jesus and the disciples. Harrington points out that in Mark 8:1-10, the disciples give no indication of knowing that Jesus will perform his mighty work, even after the participating in the feeding of Mark 6:30-44. There have been various proposals to help relate the narratives: (1) there was a single early narrative that took different forms in the tradition, (2) Mark 8: 1-10 is an early pre-Markan narrative that Mark uses to compose the one found in Mark 6:30-44 ( which can detested by Meier, himself); and (3) there were two different pre-Marcian versions of the story and both were edited by Mark. There is a belief by the majority of interpreters that there was an early narrative that the individual evangelists reworked and adapted to their theological perspectives. Harrington agrees with Meier on the thought that all the feeding stories and the Last Supp narrative, despite the significant differences, describe Jesus saying a blessing or a prayer of thanksgiving; taking bread, breaking it, and giving it to disciples or crowds to eat. The similarities outweigh the differences. One option that should be avoided is the belief that the people were so moved by the words of Jesus that they divided their food with others, as Meier also stated. The narrative rather gives a picture of Jesus as compassionate toward the hungry people and concerned about their physical hunger. Harrington believed a church that invokes the name of Jesus must be concerned about the spiritual and physical hungers of people today. According to William Lane, the account of the feeding of the multitude has a particular significance in the framework of Marks Gospel. The elaborate introduction (Mark 6:30-34), the extended dialogue with the disciples (Mark 6:35-38) , the frequent references to this occasion (Mark 6: 52; 8:17-21) and the sequel in the feeding of the four thousand (Mark 8:1-10), shows that the evangelist regarded this event as crucial for understanding the dignity of Jesus. The book of Mark shows the glory of God unveiled through the abundant provision of bread in the wilderness where Jesus is Israels faithful shepherd. The extended conversation of Jesus with his disciples concerning bread is the distinctive element in the Marcan account of the feeding of the multitude, as Meier would agree with. Overall, I do believe the feeding of the five thousand found in Mark 8 is the redaction of Mark 6. It only makes sense, because the version of the story in Mark 6 and John 6 share many similiarities , compared to the version in Mark 8; Mark 6 and John 6 share the feeding the story with the five thousand people fed with five loaves of bread and two fishes, while the Mark 8 version feeds four thousand people with seven loaves of bread and two fishes. It goes to show that the feeding story found in John 6 is the independent version of the feeding miracle and that Mark versions represent two different versions of the feeding miracle. Growing up in the church, I would say that I strongly disagree with Meirs belief that Jesus performed miracles of exorcism, during his public ministries. I was taught that Jesus performed miraculous works because he had compassion and love for his people, and wanted his disciples and follows to witness the good works of the Lord, his Father. I do agree that the Old Testaments stories (particularly the story of the Elisha feeding) and the Last Supper do share many similarities, but I do not see substantial evidence to say that these two stories influenced the miracle feeding of the five thousand. As Meier said it, I also believe it still remains to be proven if Jewish and Christian influences had any part with creating the Gospel miracle story. Even though the Last Supper has parallels with the miracle feeding story found in Mark 8, the parallel in Mark 6 is not quite clear and less clear in John 6. Like Meier, I believe the actions of Jesus over the bread and wine was him giving than ksgiving to God, also done by the head of a Jewish household over the bread that is broken to begin a formal meal and sometime he acts out constantly. The parallel of thanksgiving or blessings over the bread first and then over the fish does not resemble the original Jewish ritual of Thanksgiving; only the narrative of Jesus parallel over the bread and wine. I also agree with Meier that the Elisha Story and the Last Supper tradition cannot completely explain the origin of the story of Jesus feeding the multitude. It is debatable as to whether there are any indications that some historical event in Jesus ministry may be behind the early Christian miracle stories. I do believe the emphasis of a banquet or festival meal as a image of the kingdom were not words spoken, but played an important role in Jesus actions; he was known for his presence at festival banquets. I strongly agree with Meier that the most memorable banquet or festival meal is the feeding of the multitude. Growing up, I always knew and was aware of the feeding miracle; I knew a little bit of the Last Supper and knew nothing of the Elisha story. Personally, the feeding story was one of the stories that always stuck to me. I believe that whether something miraculous happening in the feeding miracle depends on a persons worldview, not from the results of the historical investigation of an event. It is up to everyone to do their own result and have their own beliefs.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
grachi tiberius gaius rome Essay examples -- essays research papers f
THE GRACCHI Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus was bon in 163 B.C. and came from a distinguished family. His grandfather conquered Hannibal, his father brought the Celtiberian war successfully to a close, reduced Sardinia, and was elected consul for two terms and sensor for one. His mother Cornelia was a woman of wide-culture who employed Greek tutors to educate her sons, Tiberius and Gaius. Two tutors who influenced Tiberius at a young age were Diophanes, a teacher of oration and Blossius of Cumae, a philosopher. After taking part in the campaign of 146 BC, which ended with the destruction of Carthage, Tiberius was elected quaestor in 137. Travelling through Etruria, Tiberius saw large estates worked by slaves and noticed the absence of free peasants. It is said that Tiberius realized the need for reform while visiting this province on his way to Spain. There, Tiberius served in a war against Numantia under the consul Mancinus. After suffering numerous defeats in battle, Mancinus attempted to abandon camp. However the Numantines, realizing what was happening seized the camp before they could escape. Tiberius saved the Roman army from slaughter by securing a treaty with the Spaniards. When they returned to Rome, Tiberius was seen as a saviour and blame was placed on the incompetent generals who were handed back to the Spaniards for execution. Tiberius himself escaped judgement by the skin of his teeth. According to Plutarch, ‘It would seem†¦that Scipio, who was then the greatest and most influential man at Rome helped to save them’ (1988, 159) There are a number of dominant motives for Gracchus’ want for reform. His knowledge of Greek political thought and practices allowed him to understand the needs and potential of the state, the Spanish campaign, slave revolts in Sicily, the increase in Rome’s unemployment rate and the impact the changing economy had on the republic. It doubtful that only one of these fuelled Gracchus’ desires for change, it is more likely a combination of many or all. When Tiberius began to speak out in politics he did not do so alone. He was backed by his father-in-law Appius Claudius Pulcher, who was Princeps Senatus and two others, Pontifex Mucius Scaevola and Pontifex licinius Crassus Mucianus. IN 133 Tiberius Gracchus was elected tribune. He proposed a ‘lex agraria’ which would make land owned by the state available for distribution ... ...ople. During Gaius’ visit to Junonia to oversee the construction effort, rumours were spread in Rome by his opponents of the delay and failure of his new colony. Through these rumours, Gaius lost favour with the people. This can be seen due to his failure to get re-elected for a third tribunate in 121. As tribune Minucius Rufus proposed to repeal one of Gaius’ bills, he gathered support. In a minor disturbance, a servant of consul Opimius was killed. The senate was forced to pass a resolution that consuls should see to it that the Republic came to no harm. Opimius summoned to arms senators and equites against Gaius and Flaccus who had occupied the Aventine hill. After failed negotiations they and their supporters were defeated and killed. It is said that the weight of their heads in gold was to be awarded to the man who brought Opimius the heads of Gaius and Flaccus. Once again political differences in Rome resulted in bloodshed and brought an end to the remaining Gracchi. BIBLIOGRAPHY H.H. Scullard, From the Gracchi to Nero 2003 Routledge, London Plutarch, Roman Lives 1988 Penguin E.S. Shuckburgh, History of Rome 1896 Macmillan & Co. Ltd, London
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Johnson County Stock War: Big Business versus Small Ranchers Essay
Johnson County Stock War: Big Business versus Small Ranchers On March 10, 1892 the Billings Gazette reported, â€Å"The opening of spring may be more red than green for the horse thieves and cattle thieves of Johnson County†(Brash, 143). The writer of the article could little have known how truthful their premonition would prove to be. The late 1800’s were turbulent times in the West. Large tracts of publicly held range ground would be at the center of Wyoming’s very own civil war. Gil Bollinger, author and western researcher, reports that by the 1870’s and 1880’s fencing of land to enclose both crops and water sources was common (Bollinger, 81). This practice, however, was still illegal according to the federal government. In 1877, the United States Government sued Swan Land and Cattle Company, in an effort to set an example that all fences on open range must come down (Bollinger, 81). The fencing of lands was a major problem, as agricultural producers needed open access to the limited resources, especially water. Johnson County, in northern Wyoming, was an agricultural nucleus for cattle and sheep producers who knew the lush grass and good water supply would greatly benefit their operations. Since fencing was illegal, these resources were available to everyone. Cattle operators, large and small alike, ran their livestock loose and participated in large roundups once a year where all the cattle were branded. Slick calves, called mavericks, were often unrightfully claimed. Lack of fencing made any free ranging livestock available to whoever was devious enough to take them (Smith, 25). Helena Smith quotes Horace Plunkett, a producer, in a letter he wrote to the Wyoming Stock Grower’s Association as saying, â€Å"The relations bet... ...576. Harvey, Mark E., A Civil War in Wyoming: A Centennial Commemoration of the Johnson County War. M.A., American Studies Program, December 1992. Pfeifer, Michael J. (2004). Rough Justice: Lynching and American Society: 1874-1947. Chicago: University of Illinois Press. Retrieved October 30, 2006 from . Norman, David. (1994) The Johnson County War against Nate Champion and the "Red Sash Gang". Retrieved October 30, 2006 from Robert, Phil. (2006) Events Leading up to the Johnson County War/Invasion. History of Wyoming class syllabus. Retrieved October 30, 2006 from Smith, Helena H. (1966). The War on Powder River: The History of an Insurrection. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Military: Leadership and Discipline
Discipline Leadership Responsibilities and Duties Importance to the Military Discipline: Training that corrects, molds or perfects the mental facilities or moral character; the discipline to a superior authority. [Defined by Webster]. Discipline to me means that you are capable of accepting the norms. You respect the commands given from a higher authority or the leader in charge. Training your mind to think in a routine way of life, being able to accept the responsibilities of what you do and/or don’t do.In the world of the military discipline is a major factor. It defines your future and what you do or how your career will turn out. Max Anders says, â€Å"Only the disciplined ever get really good at anything. †Everything in life requires some sort of discipline. Whether it is hitting a baseball, climbing a mountain, playing a musical instrument, making good grades or brushing your teeth it all comes down to a matter of discipline. The core of a superior soldier is sai d to be moral disciple. Morals are principles and beliefs concerning rights and wrongs of behavior). Discipline tends to be important because it is the basis of todays and yesterday’s soldiers. In the Army discipline comes in many forms and fashions: PRT, drill and ceremony, basic commands given, routine life, training the body, etc. Discipline is something you need to have to live a military life and be successful. Leadership: the position or function of a leader; a person who guides or directs a group; the ability to lead. [Defined by Webster].A leader in the military life is usually the most â€Å"squared-away†soldier. One that had the discipline to know and correct another when one needs help or is the wrong. I feel that when it comes to the military one who is a soldier has to have discipline. You can not be a leader and not have the discipline to lead a group/platoon to success. Leadership means you have the discipline to maintain yourself as well as the rest fo llowing you. Being in a leadership role means that you are capable of leading by direction and following direction at the same time.As a leader you should never have the ones you are leading do something you yourself would not do. You have to lead as being lead. â€Å"Never forget that no military leader has ever become great without audacity. If the leader is filled with high ambition and if he pursues his aims with audacity and strength of will, he will reach them in spite of all obstacles. †As quoted by Karl von Clausewitz. Leadership and discipline go hand and hand in the army. I feel that you can not have one without the other. Along with that goes the Army core values.With the right discipline noticed by the right sergeant/officer you are most-likely to be a leader of a platoon or group given. Both topics are important to the military way of life without these 2 subjects the army would have no foundation. Soldiers in the leadership position guide the platoon to a succe ssful mission. Soldiers with the right discipline tend to lead the mission to victory. Without the 2 come many consequences: loss of rank; money, leadership positions, suspension etc. Personally I feel that a great leader has discipline.Being a leader without discipline you have nothing. Being a good leader to me means that you leave your mark on the ones who follow you. When another leader comes to charge, the soldiers that you have lead will know if that leader is good or not based on the path left behind. â€Å"The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and the will to carry on. †– Walter Lippmann, 1889-1974. A good leader will continue to lead weather they are in a leadership position or not. As said before it is a basic foundation to get the mission completed.The military’s discipline is also know and having military bearing, knowing where to act in accordance. Commissioned officers and officers would have to make s wift decisions in the battlefield that may affect the lives of their soldiers. In a world of chaos, their subordinates are relying on their leaders to make the right decision and trusting that those big decisions made is the best out of all the options given. Leaders should be able to make these big decisions with all his confidence projecting out with his military bearing.A leader should look like a leader, disciplined, confident, and has the skills and abilities to persuade and provide their subordinates with the motivation, direction and purpose so as to accomplish a mission without being easily rattled by problems that arises. One who leads has to have the proper discipline to be a great leader. With these words sergeant who lead me also feel that I’m a great leader with the proper discipline to lead. Duty: Obligatory task, conduct service or functions that arise from ones position; assigned service or business. Defined by Webster]. At each level of authority soldiers hav e certain responsibilities or duties that they must fulfill. Duty begins with everything required of you by law, regulation, and orders but it includes much more than that. A duty is a legal or moral obligation. Duties are assigned at different levels rank for set reasons. As a private or non-NCO you may not hold as many responsibilities compared to an NCO, which can hold numerous amounts of duties that all are required to be fulfilled in a timely manner.Responsibilities: The quality or state of being responsible. [Defined by Webster]. Responsibilities are set to enforce task and make sure they are carried out properly. They are set for a numerous amounts of reasons. Some responsibilities are set to see how well an individual performs under certain task, time limits. Others may be set to get a task or chore done. All of these things combined are qualities that make or break a soldier. If you lack one the possibilities are great that you may lack another. Military: Leadership and Discipline Discipline Leadership Responsibilities and Duties Importance to the Military Discipline: Training that corrects, molds or perfects the mental facilities or moral character; the discipline to a superior authority. [Defined by Webster]. Discipline to me means that you are capable of accepting the norms. You respect the commands given from a higher authority or the leader in charge. Training your mind to think in a routine way of life, being able to accept the responsibilities of what you do and/or don’t do.In the world of the military discipline is a major factor. It defines your future and what you do or how your career will turn out. Max Anders says, â€Å"Only the disciplined ever get really good at anything. †Everything in life requires some sort of discipline. Whether it is hitting a baseball, climbing a mountain, playing a musical instrument, making good grades or brushing your teeth it all comes down to a matter of discipline. The core of a superior soldier is sai d to be moral disciple. Morals are principles and beliefs concerning rights and wrongs of behavior). Discipline tends to be important because it is the basis of todays and yesterday’s soldiers. In the Army discipline comes in many forms and fashions: PRT, drill and ceremony, basic commands given, routine life, training the body, etc. Discipline is something you need to have to live a military life and be successful. Leadership: the position or function of a leader; a person who guides or directs a group; the ability to lead. [Defined by Webster].A leader in the military life is usually the most â€Å"squared-away†soldier. One that had the discipline to know and correct another when one needs help or is the wrong. I feel that when it comes to the military one who is a soldier has to have discipline. You can not be a leader and not have the discipline to lead a group/platoon to success. Leadership means you have the discipline to maintain yourself as well as the rest fo llowing you. Being in a leadership role means that you are capable of leading by direction and following direction at the same time.As a leader you should never have the ones you are leading do something you yourself would not do. You have to lead as being lead. â€Å"Never forget that no military leader has ever become great without audacity. If the leader is filled with high ambition and if he pursues his aims with audacity and strength of will, he will reach them in spite of all obstacles. †As quoted by Karl von Clausewitz. Leadership and discipline go hand and hand in the army. I feel that you can not have one without the other. Along with that goes the Army core values.With the right discipline noticed by the right sergeant/officer you are most-likely to be a leader of a platoon or group given. Both topics are important to the military way of life without these 2 subjects the army would have no foundation. Soldiers in the leadership position guide the platoon to a succe ssful mission. Soldiers with the right discipline tend to lead the mission to victory. Without the 2 come many consequences: loss of rank; money, leadership positions, suspension etc. Personally I feel that a great leader has discipline.Being a leader without discipline you have nothing. Being a good leader to me means that you leave your mark on the ones who follow you. When another leader comes to charge, the soldiers that you have lead will know if that leader is good or not based on the path left behind. â€Å"The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and the will to carry on. †– Walter Lippmann, 1889-1974. A good leader will continue to lead weather they are in a leadership position or not. As said before it is a basic foundation to get the mission completed.The military’s discipline is also know and having military bearing, knowing where to act in accordance. Commissioned officers and officers would have to make s wift decisions in the battlefield that may affect the lives of their soldiers. In a world of chaos, their subordinates are relying on their leaders to make the right decision and trusting that those big decisions made is the best out of all the options given. Leaders should be able to make these big decisions with all his confidence projecting out with his military bearing.A leader should look like a leader, disciplined, confident, and has the skills and abilities to persuade and provide their subordinates with the motivation, direction and purpose so as to accomplish a mission without being easily rattled by problems that arises. One who leads has to have the proper discipline to be a great leader. With these words sergeant who lead me also feel that I’m a great leader with the proper discipline to lead. Duty: Obligatory task, conduct service or functions that arise from ones position; assigned service or business. Defined by Webster]. At each level of authority soldiers hav e certain responsibilities or duties that they must fulfill. Duty begins with everything required of you by law, regulation, and orders but it includes much more than that. A duty is a legal or moral obligation. Duties are assigned at different levels rank for set reasons. As a private or non-NCO you may not hold as many responsibilities compared to an NCO, which can hold numerous amounts of duties that all are required to be fulfilled in a timely manner.Responsibilities: The quality or state of being responsible. [Defined by Webster]. Responsibilities are set to enforce task and make sure they are carried out properly. They are set for a numerous amounts of reasons. Some responsibilities are set to see how well an individual performs under certain task, time limits. Others may be set to get a task or chore done. All of these things combined are qualities that make or break a soldier. If you lack one the possibilities are great that you may lack another.
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