Thursday, May 21, 2020
In Regard To The Scenario Given In The Case Study On...
In regard to the scenario given in the case study on increasing overweight and obesity cases in Nueva Luna, I would propose a nutrition and healthy living promotion program which would be implemented in the county. The main goal of this program is to reduce and prevent obesity and overweight levels in the community of Nueva Luna. This goal would be achieved through implementation of activities that promote improvements in nutrition, physical activities and support a good environment. The model that would be used in ensuring that as many people as possible benefit from this program will ensure that the focus is given to the individual, interpersonal, organizational, community and policy formulation levels. This will give a comprehensive†¦show more content†¦This means that they do not have enough facilities and most probably the quality of care is poor. I will, therefore, ask for their views on this to know whether they would want the numbers of health facilities added. I will also assess whether they get quality medical services from the two facilities. Additionally, I will find out if they had ever participated in health promotion and awareness programs organized by the facilities. Assessing these issues will help me understand the issues that could have been contributing to the increase in overweight and obesity levels. I plan to assess the above issues by holding community forums, interviews, surveys and focus groups with the people of Nueva Luna so that they can get a chance to express their concerns about the named issues. This will involve the formulation of questions, which will be used as data collection tools. 2. Phase 2 In phase 2 I will assess the epidemiology of the problem. This means assessing the possible causes of the increase in obesity and the related effects to the community and to individuals. This will be done through research because this will help in understanding the attributing factors for each individual. The information can be collected through focused discussions with the community members. I will also conduct interviews in several parts of the county inShow MoreRelatedAsian South East Asia Nation Or Better Known As Asean1673 Words  | 7 Pagesconsists of 10 nation state members from the South East Asia region. ASEAN cannot be understood as a normal international organisation. In fact, there are many definitions that can be given about ASEAN to begin with. Kivimaki (2012:405) had given a very broad definition of ASEAN by combining all the definitions given by other scholar as well. He states that: â€Å"ASEAN is a weak and under resourced international organisation (Jasudasen, 2010), a relatively inefficient structure of economic interdependenceRead MorePrescription Drugs Vs. Medicine1201 Words  | 5 Pagesthat what primary factors are there that have raised the costs of prescription drugs and medicines. Medicines are the primary treatment options for every doctor and prior to any operation or any major surgery, medication is prescribed in most of the cases, where appropriate, in order to avoid the complications of surgeries and operations. Also, while considering the economic outlook of people, it can be said that people are not that much well- off or maximum number of the economy is not rich enoughRead MoreCase 10 Essay example1244 Words  | 5 PagesCase Study # 10 Denver Health Network: ABC Analysis 1. Estimate the base (initial) cost of each alternative. Here, you just need to put in the appropriate RED input from the information in the case study. The answers will be spit out. Which alternative has the lower total cost? Why? Alternative 2 has the lowest total per a procedure cost. Operating costs of Alternative 1 is $86.15, which is lower than Alternative 2 of $92.15Alternative 2 is higher in operation al cost because there is six dollarsRead MoreNotes On The And Flow Data1087 Words  | 5 Pagesto utilize UNCTAD data at least for the time being. 1If this study is worth pursuing, I may use these data for empirical tests as well. 2More nuanced FDI data from a single country can still be found. For instance, the Heritage foundation records Chinese outward FDI by each case from 2005. This may also be used for future robustness test. 5 The dependent variable will be measured by the instock FDI volume between a country pair in a given year. This choice is mainly out of convenience. It is also workableRead MoreCase Analysis Lg Electronics1698 Words  | 7 PagesINTRODUCTION In order to stay competitive in an industry with an increasing number of players, companies have to be able to stay on top of their costs, as well as that of their competitors. Costing is a very tricky business in itself. Companies are wont to making costing mistakes by going with the wrong assumptions. The case of Tork versus LG shows how Tork conducts its breakdown of competitor costs in order to come up with strategies that will eliminate the costing advantage of LG. Tork isRead MoreAbbreviations. Anm Auxiliary Nurse Midwife. Chc Community1152 Words  | 5 Pagesand increasing accountability (Mason and Whitehead 2003). Their adequate representation and utilization in the health care system is very crucial to achieve the results for the services that are rendered in the community. However given that the nursing practice is profoundly dependent on the health policies and available resources in a country many developing nations fall back when it comes to utilizing this groups of professionals to their full potential. The Word Health Organization Study GroupRead MoreNurses And Midwives Are The Largest Group Of Health Workers1446 Words  | 6 Pagesand increasing accountability (Mason and Whitehead 2003). Their adequate representation and utilization in the health care system is very crucial to achieve the results for the services that are rendered in the community. However given that the nursing practice is profoundly dependent on the health policies and available resources in a country many developing nations fall back when it comes to utilizing this group of professionals to their full potential. The Word Health Organization Study GroupRead MoreO.M Scott Sons Case1551 Words  | 7 PagesA Case Study on O.M Scott amp; Sons Co. Table of Contents Objective†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦1 Company Background†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦1 Ratio Analysis†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.1 Pro Forma Analysis†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.3 Sensitivity Analysis†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.3 Recommendations for Management†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦4 Summary of Case Study†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..4 Appendix†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.5 Objective This paper will seek to analyze the financial statements of the O.M Scott amp; SonsRead MoreCase Analysis Lg Electronics1698 Words  | 7 PagesINTRODUCTION In order to stay competitive in an industry with an increasing number of players, companies have to be able to stay on top of their costs, as well as that of their competitors. Costing is a very tricky business in itself. Companies are wont to making costing mistakes by going with the wrong assumptions. The case of Tork versus LG shows how Tork conducts its breakdown of competitor costs in order to come up with strategies that will eliminate the costing advantage of LG. Tork isRead MoreChoices with Regard to the Process of Consumption1657 Words  | 7 Pagesand services have expanded the way consumers can access them, and therefore, there are increased consumer choices. However, there are arguments that in some cases, consumers have not been provided with adequate positions to exercise their true choices on goods and services and therefore, which is leading them to make passive choices in regards their process of consumption. Some arguments assert that consumers are becoming more and more actively involved in their buying and consumption processes, especially
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Ap Biology - 2177 Words
AP ESSAY ANSWERS: 16-20 1. Information transfer is fundamental to all living organisms. For TWO of the following examples, explain in detail, how the transfer of information is accomplished. A) The genetic material in one eukaryotic cell is copied and distributed to two identical daughter cells. B) A gene in a eukaryotic cell is transcribed and translated to produce a protein. C) The genetic material from one bacterial cell enters another via transformation, transduction or conjugation. 16 total pts possible A) max 8 pts combined (4 pts max each part – Part a is looking for â€Å"copy and distribute†) â€Å"copy†= DNA replication -when DNA is copied- interphase, S phase of cell cycle -recognition of origin site on DNA†¦show more content†¦The human genome illustrates both continuity and change. A) Describe the essential features of TWO of the procedures/techniques below. For each of the procedures/techniques you describe, explain how its application contributes to understanding genetics. -The use of a bacterial plasmid to clone and sequence a human gene -Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) -Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) analysis B) All humans are nearly identical genetically in coding sequences and have many proteins that are identical in structure and function. Nevertheless, each human has a unique DNA fingerprint. Explain this apparent contradiction. 16 points possible A) max 12 pts total (6 pts for each part of the subquestions) Describe= max 3 pts, 1 for each bullet Explain= max 3 pts, 1 for each bullet Describe plasmid cloning: -cut plasmid with restriction enzyme -cut/isolate human sequence with the corresponding restriction enzyme -mix/ anneal/ligate -introduce recombinant plasmid into bacteria -select recombinant bacteria (ex. antibiotic resistance, fluorescence, reporter gene, etc) -bacteria reproduction used to amplify the sequence (PCR) -describe either degradative (Maxam-Gilbert) or dideoxy (Sanger) methodShow MoreRelatedAp Biology Essay647 Words  | 3 PagesAndy Ton Ms. Morrissey AP Biology 9 January 2012 Fish Classification Lab |Fish # |Key # |Fish Name | |1 |1b12b-13b-16a |Atlantic Salmon | |2 |1b-12b-13a-14b |Bullhead Catfish | |3 |1a-2b-6b-8b-10b |Blue Gill | |4 |1a-2a-3b-5b Read MorePre Ap Biology Research Paper2120 Words  | 9 PagesHannah Porter Mr. Condo Pre-AP Bio-1 November 4, 2014 Pre-Ap Biology Research Paper The cell is the basic unit of life and is the smallest, simplest organism that can perform all of life’s functions. The cell was discovered in 1665 by Robert Hooke. The three types of cells are plant cells, animal cells, and prokaryotic cells. These cells share many qualities but are also different in many ways. There are a few organelles that exist in all three types of cells. The first of these isRead MoreCh. 43 Ap Biology807 Words  | 4 PagesAP: CHAPTER 43: IMMUNE SYSTEM 1. List the two lines of nonspecific defense mechanisms with examples of each. †¢ External defense, which includes the skin and mucous membranes in the body. †¢ Internal defense which includes phagocytic cells and antimicrobial proteins. 2. What is meant by specific defense? Defense mechanisms are said to be specific because depending on which one they focus on one specific part of the body or a specific type of pathogen. 3. Give examples of â€Å"barrier defenseRead MoreAP biology 2009 free response1076 Words  | 5 PagesAP ® BIOLOGY 2009 SCORING GUIDELINES (Form B) Question 3 Water is essential to all living things. (a) Discuss THREE properties of water. (b) Explain each of the following in terms of the properties of water. You are not limited to the three properties discussed in part (a): †¢ †¢ †¢ the role of water as a medium for the metabolic processes of cells the ability of water to moderate temperature within living organisms and in organisms’ environments the movement of water from the roots toRead MoreAp Biology Practice Questions2588 Words  | 11 PagesCell Division, Heredity, and Rcolution Practice Questions Cell Division An organism is heterozygous at two gene loci on different chromosomes. Explain how these alleles are transmitted by the process of mitosis to daughter cells. After mitosis the parent cells genome is dividedninto two daughter cells. In most eukaryotes, the nuclear envelope that separates the DNA from the cytoplasm disassembles. The chromosomes align themselves in a line spanning the cell. As the cell elongates, correspondingRead MoreAp Biology Lab Report 41269 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction This study was performed in order to gain more knowledge on mitosis and meiosis. This lab was done by observing mitosis in plant and animal cells, comparing the relative lengths of the stages of mitosis in onion root tip cells, stimulating the stages of meiosis, observing evidence of crossing-over in meiosis using Sordaria fimicola, and estimating the distance of a gene locus from its centromere. Mitosis is the scientific term for nuclear cell division, where the nucleus of the cellRead MoreAp Biology Chapter 20 Notes756 Words  | 4 PagesChapter 20: DNA Technology Biotechnology: Use of living organisms to perform tasks. * Wine cheese * Selective breeding * Antibiotic production * Recombinant DNA Restriction Enzymes * Bacterial enzymes: cut up foreign DNA * Specific: only but at recognition sequences * Palindromic: cut at the same base sequence on each strand, but in the opposite direction * The exposed bases provide â€Å"sticky ends†* H-bond to compliment bases of segments cut with same restrictionRead MoreEssay on Ap Biology Lab 1 Questions622 Words  | 3 PagesAP Biology Lab 1 Ross Lordo Introduction Questions 1. The solute potential would be -2.48. If the concentration inside the cell is .15 M, then would diffusion out of the cell and into the solution of .1 M. This is due to water potential and the tendency for water to move from areas of high water potential to low water potential. 2. The turgor pressure must be equal to the water potential if there is no net diffusion. The cell and environment have reached equilibrium and the movement of waterRead MoreAp Biology Lab 9: Transpiration Essay657 Words  | 3 PagesAdriana Gutierrez AP Biology Lab 9 Analysis 1. For this experiment, what were the independent variable and the dependent variable? What were the constants? The independent variable of this experiment are the environmental factors that you are testing on the rate of transpiration, so our independent variables would be bright light, fan, dark, and misted. The dependent variable is the rate of transportation because this depends on whatever environmental factor the plant is placed. The constantsRead MoreAp Biology Egg Osmosis Lab Essay658 Words  | 3 PagesAP Biology August 23, 2012 Egg Osmosis Lab Definition of osmosis: The diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane from high to low concentrations Hypothesis: If I place an egg in vinegar, then the outer layer of the egg is going to become slimy and look like rubber. It will also become larger and bubbles will form on and around the egg. Hypothesis: If I place an egg in corn syrup, then the egg will become small and the outer layer will not look like rubber any longer. Day one:
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Adolescence Development Essay - 886 Words
Adolescence is a period of physical and psychological development from the onset of puberty to maturity. The adolescent is no longer a child, but they haven’t yet reached adulthood. Adolescence is considered people between the ages of 13 and 21. Puberty is the physical maturing that makes an individual capable of sexual reproduction. Puberty is important to adolescence because when a child hits puberty, that’s when the child is becoming an adolescent. Puberty is a big part of an adolescent’s life. Adolescence is not cultural universal. In some societies, young children go straight from childhood to the adult life once they have done the necessary puberty rites. Puberty rites are formal ceremonies that mark the entrance of young†¦show more content†¦There are five characteristics that all adolescents have. These characteristics are biological growth and development, an undefined status, increased decision-making, increased pressures, and the search for self. The brain and the endocrine system control biological growth and development. During the early stages of adolescence, individuals experience growth in height and weight, changes in the body, the development of sexual characteristics, and skin problems. For example, I started getting curves in my body when I hit puberty. My body started to develop changes. Our society’s expectations for children and adults are clear, but for the adolescent, expectations are inexplicit. Some adolescents are treated like childr en, but some are treated like adults. There is an undefined status. For example, my parents pay for my lunch, but I have to have a job so I can support myself. Adults usually make most of the decisions for young children, but adolescents must make many decisions on their own. For example, when I was a child, my mother would choose what I would wear for school and what was in my lunch box. But now, I have to choose what I will wear, what I will eat, what kind of job I want to have and many more different decisions. Adolescents are faced with a lot of pressure from many different people. They get put under pressure from their parents to their peers. They also getShow MoreRelatedAdolescence Sexual Development Essay833 Words  | 4 Pages Life is full of changes and in the period of the adolescence the changes start to develop what a person will be in the adultness. Many factors are matured in the teenage years as an example, one of them is sexuality. Sexuality can be a very important variable in the life of an adolescent, because in this life period the sexual identity is defined. There are three strong circumstances that can define the sexual identity of an adolescent: The biological characteristic, love and pornography. The biologicalRead MoreThe Growth And Development Of Adolescence : Reviving Ophelia Essay1595 Words  | 7 PagesDuring the course of FCS 212 we were required to read three books regarding the growth and development of adolescence; Reviving Ophelia by Mary Pipher, Ph.D., Boys Adrift by Leonard Sax, M.D., Ph.D., and The Teenage Brain by Frances E. Jensen, M.D. with Amy Ellis Nutt. Each book was for a different audience because they’re all discussing different topics but they all discuss the growth and development of adolescences in our society. Reviving Ophelia discusses the different types of scenarios Dr. PipherRead MoreDevelopmental Tasks Of Adolescence And Development871 Words  | 4 Pages There are multiple developmental tasks of adolescence and within this essay you will be able to fully understand 5, Physical development, motor development, Cognitive development, information processing, and language development. Each child will undergo different physical changes in development according to our text Development Through The Lifespan, â€Å"Children grow slower in early childhood and they become longer and leaner†(216). Growth centers will emerge within the skeleton and as baby fatRead MoreAdolescence Is The Most Important Stages Of Human Development1282 Words  | 6 Pagestake part during human development; adolescence is one of the most important stages because it is the period that follows humans’ development from child to adult. According to Clause (2013), adolescence is broken up into biological, cognitive, and emotional stages. These aspects of adolescence are individually important because, it defines one’s personality and character as an individual and, it affects their future. Most people do not realize how big of an impact adolescence has; however, this essayRead More Development During Adolescence: Questions Essay example978 Words  | 4 PagesQuestion 1: Discuss adolescence: a)The period of adolescence and the cultural aspect thereof Pinpointing the start of any developmental phase is difficult as different people view adolescence and who is classified as an adolescent in different ways. This is because of perspective as well as cultural differences of what an adolescent is. As a rule of thumb,we say that the onset of adolescence is when puberty starts. This is fairly easy to notice because of the physical changes. However, determiningRead MoreAdolescence Is The Time Of Development Essay1221 Words  | 5 PagesAdolescence is the time of development that starts at pubescence and ends at adulthood; the regular age extent is from 12 to 18 years, and this phase of development has some anticipated physical, cognitive, and social turning points (University of Rochester Medical Center Rochester, 2016). Pubescence includes particular physiological changes in an individual such as tallness, weight, body organization, sex attributes, and circulatory and respiratory frameworks. While their bodies are changing, soRead Mo reThe Effect Of Physical Development During Adolescence On Academic, Social, Sexual, And Emotional Development Of Boys And Girls997 Words  | 4 Pagesthe differences in the speed of physical development during adolescence affect the academic, social, sexual, and emotional development of boys and girls? During adolescence, teens often struggle with their body changes, mood swings and social issues, these effects both teens and their families. It is important for both to understand what is happening to the teen physically, cognitively, and socially in order to build a healthy relationship. Physical development occurs rapidly during teen years, whichRead MoreDevelopment Stages Of Adolescence And Adolescent Sub Stages1276 Words  | 6 Pageshelpful to us in following ways : ïÆ'Ëœ it will explain the nature and development stages of the adolescence. ïÆ'Ëœ it will enlist the development task during the adolescence . ïÆ'Ëœ it will explain the behavioral issues , challenges ,factors effecting the adolescence . ïÆ'Ëœ also discuss the gender disparity and phenomenon of the generation gap . ________________________________________ Adolescence: Concept of adolescence: adolescence is the dramatically evolving theoretical construct informed throughRead MoreAdolescence Cognitive Development Essay1669 Words  | 7 Pagesexplores lifespan development. The other article was written by the staff and research team at Lucile Packard Childrens Hospital at Stanford in 2012 that addresses what cognitive development is and the progress of adolescence cognitive development. Cognitive development begins from the moment of birth and continues throughout life. However, this student finds the cognitive abilities are more complex during the adolescent years. Therefore, the issue this paper will address is adolescence cognitive developmentRead MoreDevelopment Of Self Esteem, Self Concept And Identity Through Middle Childhood And Adolescence2561 Words  | 11 PagesApplied Assignment Option 3 Development of self-esteem, self-concept and identity through middle childhood and adolescence Anuja Rupesh Vora New York University The years between 6 and 18, middle childhood to adolescence is a time of important development that leads to the establishment of self-concept, self-esteem, and identity for children. Self-concept can be defined as an idea of the self that is created from the beliefs one holds about oneself and the way that others respond
Who Developed The Apa Style Developed - 804 Words
Lakshmi-Hasanthi, Kandarpa Student ID# 111678 1. Who developed the APA Style? Why was the APA style developed? APA style was developed by social and behavioral scientists to standardize scientific writing. 2. APA research papers are divided into different sections? What are they? APA research papers are divided into the following sections: - Title page - Abstract - Introduction - Method - Results - Discussions - References - Appendices 3. Download any article of interest, and using your knowledge of the APA style, critique the paper to see if the author(s) used the APA style accurately. Support your answer with scholarly evidences. My area of interest is GIS where in an article titled â€Å"Volunteered Geographic Information and Crowd sourcing Disaster Relief: A Case Study of the Haitian Earthquake†which can be found at this link here I’ve uploaded the pdf critiqued separately for reference The paper did not follow these as per my observation - No double spacing - List of figures and tables not mentioned - List of abbreviations not mentioned The paper had the following: - Levels of heading properly followed - Title, abstract, introduction, citations properly done - Figures and tables properly labeled - Header, footer and page numbers present and indentation properly done - APA citation followed in references (in text citation appropriately done, web references and magazine references appropriately done )Show MoreRelatedWhy My Leadership Style Is The Application Of Critical Thinking757 Words  | 4 PagesThe APA section surprised me, because I did not think I had retain as much information about APA formatting. I had use MLA formatting style for three previous degrees and to begin using APA formatting style was quite challenging for me. I know this will be a section that I will refer back to for future courses. I was relieved to know my leadership style aligned with my purpose. I believe in being an example for others to follow and inspiring others to reach their goals. The most powerful learningRead MoreMy Knowledge Of Different Areas800 Words  | 4 Pageswas an APA style developed? APA was created 80 years ago by Social Scientist who wanted to establish a solid communication for many different purposes. Forentence, reading comprehension and clarity of communications. In APA style is solid writing rules. It is explained exactly the way it should be laid out forentence, punctuation, abbreviation, headers, citations references and page numbers. This is all important to compete for a nice presentation of the work you have completed. This style of writingRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Schizophrenia810 Words  | 4 PagesPsychiatric Association [APA] 2013). A.2- Distracted with unfounded thoughts of disloyalty by friends, colleagues or family (APA, 2013). A.3- Believe words others say have some underlying negative meaning (APA, 2013). A.4- Hesitant to share information to others for fear it will be used against them (APA, 2013). A.5- Client has an unforgiving attitude and holds grudges against others (APA, 2013). A.6- Regards own reputation as under attack and quick to strike back at others (APA, 2013). A.7- SuspiciousRead MoreConcept Analysis : An Essential Part Of Nursing Theory Development1285 Words  | 6 PagesGiovacchini Chamberlain College of Nursing Concept Analysis Concept Analysis is an essential part of nursing theory development. Analyzing concepts of theories assists the reader in defining the attributes of the theory as well as identifying key points developed in the theory. Concept analysis helps clarify theories and evaluate their meanings. Studying the concepts helps us define and explain relationships between nurses and patients and this produces nursing theories (Orem, Denyes Bekel, 2001). ThisRead MoreHealing Hospital: a Daring Paradigm1214 Words  | 5 Pagesthis writer. It identifies one who believes that Gods word is the truth. He is the forefront of all thinking. â€Å"And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence†(Colossians 1:18). The nature of the world around us varies with different parts of the world as with different religions. There is antagonism to Christianity as there is with science. There are those of us who are more of a concrete thinkerRead MoreA Residential School Legacy1002 Words  | 5 Pages(Petten, 2007, p. 22). The imposition of residential schools on First Nations children has led to significant loss of indigenous languages, and this language loss has led to further cultural losses for traditional First Nations cultures in Canada. 2 APA style requires page numbers only for direct quotations, but it encourages the use of page numbers even with paraphrased material. One far-reaching result of the residential school system is the loss of indigenous languages in Canada. A major cause ofRead MoreThe Self Assessment Test Is An Amazing Tool908 Words  | 4 Pagesreading something I enjoy(Bethel University, 2014 p. 9). I will continue to capitalize on my strong points, by always leading my soldiers with the highest standards, and always seeking more responsibilities. References: Bethel University. (n.d.) Unit 2: Who Are You? Retrieved from Having solid communication skills is very crucial in our everyday lives, especially in my line of work. If we lack the ability or skills needed to communicate, we will never be able toRead MoreThe Great Literary Works of Solomon Essay1693 Words  | 7 Pagesthe Old Testament by Eugene H. Merrill, it states that the psalms constitute the hymn book of Israel. Many psalms were sung and recited on festal occasions and probably even in homes and at work. Approximately half of the 150 were written by David, who it is evident, had great artistic abilities (1Chron. 13:8); a few were by Solomon, whose reputation also is well established in these pursuits (1 Kings 4:29-34); by Asaph, one of David’s court poets; and by the sons of Korah, another group of professionalRead MoreAn Internship Program With Evan Guthrie Law Firm1437 Words  | 6 Pagesfunctioning as a writer and an editor to myself. I learned to think critically, concisely, correctly, and in an appropriate style for the field of law. I learned to demonstrate dynamic and effective written communications skills. I developed transferable analytical skills. For instance, I had the chance to improve my ability to summarize, interpret, and evaluate complex texts. I developed transferable communication skills, such as revising and editing my own work. I learned to employ appropriate researchRead MoreChild Development Paper : Infant Development1257 Words  | 6 Pages(Payne Issacs, 2012). One of the stages that infant go through is the Late Infancy Stage. During the Late Infancy Stage, infants between 7-9 months reach many different milestones. As the infant grows and becomes aware of their surrounding the more developed they become. Infants discover new things daily and it is important to support their growth. Late Infancy stage involves the gross motor, fine motor, oral- motor, cognitive language, personal and social skills. It is good to make a note that not all
Feature Article Free Essays
Year 10 English – Web Research Analysing media and language Save As this document to your own blackboard and continue the activities. Where questions call for textual evidence, you may cut and paste information from the website you are analysing. Double click at the top of the page where â€Å"Name:†appears. We will write a custom essay sample on Feature Article or any similar topic only for you Order Now Type your name. Men in the Media – What is your opinion on the representation of men in the media? Men are represented as strong, powerful, tall and manly. Being manly in that they are rough and tough. This is the general stereo type of men in the media. What sorts of movies and television shows do you watch and what sorts of men are represented in those shows? I watch action and adventure movies and in those the males are normally the strong hero’s of the movies. ONLY RESPOND TO THE FOLLOWING QUESTION IF YOU’RE A MALE: How much do you think these representations of men affect you and your identity as a male? Be honest. I think that the representation of men on TV shows and movies do not affect me because I don’t watch them to look at the media stereo types. Do you seek to emulate (try to equal, imitate) those men in any way? No I do not. What attributes of these men do you admire? I admire their bravery and courage, to fight through their problems. Are there any aspects of these men that you find confronting/challenging? Most of the men that are considered normal men would be considered extraordinary men in real life and the women in the movies are dependent on the men where in real life they are not. FOR EVERYONE: Do you believe this is a realistic portrayal of men? No Read the following web articles and complete the questions: http://www. medialit. rg/reading-room/how-do-media-images-men-affect-our-lives Complete the Discussion Questions at the end of this article. How many of your favourite shows feature men as the principal character, the center of the plot or the action? What messages do they suggest about the importance of men in our society relative to women and children? Most of the main characters in the movies I watch are men that are helped sometimes by men. The messages that it sends is that the world would not survive without men and it would be chaos. List some of the roles men play on TV? How do they compare to their roles in the â€Å"real†world? How do they influence your expectations of how men actually behave? Roles that men play in movies and TV shows are the hero’s, police men, fathers and sport stars. They are made out to be the strong, smart characters. The characters in the shows can affect some peoples view on men in the real world. How are the characteristics displayed by men on TV comparable to those of the men in your own life? How do they differ? The characteristics are displayed by the way the characters dress, speak and act in movies rather the realistic characteristics of men in the real world. They differ in that the movie and TV shows make the men out to be more heroic and tougher than they are in real life, the men in the movies are ‘undefeatable’. How does the portrayal of men differ in various types of programing? Do TV ads seem to portray the â€Å"new†man and sportscasting the more traditional man? The portrayal of men differs with each ad, movie and show depending on what they are trying to get the man to do. The TV ads List your own male TV heroes. What qualities attract you to them? Do any actual men you know share them? List the various ways men are shown on TV in relationship to other men, such as controlling/sharing, caring/abusive, fighting/friendly, etc. In thinking about these TV men, how do they make you (if you are a man) feel about other men? Do you feel inferior to them or do you feel validated by them? In other words, how well do men on TV function as role models, as viewing spectacles, or as people to relate to? http://seedmagazine. om/content/article/the_media_assault_on_male_body_image/ http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/15160230/ns/health-mens_health/t/guys-have-body-issues-too/ Analyse the difference in the use of language between the two above websites. How does the tone differ? Provide evidence and focus on specific conventions that are used. Consider the Internet as an information medium (an agency or means of doing something). Which article would be more likely to be pub lished in a differing medium, such as a magazine or current affairs program? Why do you think this is? List some of the roles men play on TV? How do they compare to their roles in the â€Å"real†world? How do they influence your expectations of how men actually behave? Women in the Media What is your opinion on the representation of women in the media? What sorts of movies and television shows do you watch and what sorts of women are represented in those shows? ONLY RESPOND TO THE FOLLOWING QUESTION IF YOU’RE A FEMALE: How much do you think these representations of women affect you and your identity as a female? Be honest. Do you seek to emulate (try to equal, imitate) those women in any way? What attributes of these women do you admire? Are there any aspects of these women that you find confronting/challenging? FOR EVERYONE: Do you believe this is a realistic portrayal of women? http://www. ourbodiesourselves. org/book/excerpt. asp? id=2 http://suite101. com/article/media-portrayal-of-women-a189870 http://www. mamamia. com. au/health-wellbeing/i-will-wear-short-shorts-a-manifesto/ Analyse the difference in the use of language between the two above websites. How does the tone differ? Provide evidence and focus on specific conventions that are used. Consider the Internet as an information medium (an agency or means of doing something). Which article would be more likely to be published in a differing medium, such as a magazine or current affairs program? Why do you think this is? What do you think about male/female identity issues and male/female relations in the world today? You are free to be honest here; however you must clearly justify your opinion. Do you think either one or the other or BOTH genders face increasing difficulties in society? Use evidence and facts from the articles that you have read to support your opinions as well as your own experiences or experiences of people that you know. Violence and Video-games How to cite Feature Article, Papers
The Significance Of Act 1 Scene 1 free essay sample
Of King Lear Essay, Research Paper The Tragedy of King Lear- The importance of act 1 scene 1 William Shakespeare, the greatest dramatist the universe has of all time seen renowned for his ability to portray highly realistic characters and the poetic poetry that fills his dramas. His dramas have been classified into three chief classs the calamities, the comedies and the historic dramas. Of his calamities the drama that left the most impact on a spectator was, in my sentiment King Lear. The drama was likely performed in the Globe foremost, but the first recorded public presentation was in the tribunal of King James I in 1606 on St. Stephens # 8217 ; s twenty-four hours. There seems to be an sarcasm behind this, since St. Stephens # 8217 ; s twenty-four hours is a festival in the Christian calendar that stressed the folly and sophistication of adult male, which is precisely what Shakespeare attempts to make through King Lear. There is some contention as to the existent occurrences towards the terminal of King Lear # 8217 ; s life. One theory of Geoffrey of Monmouth is that King Lear after being stripped of all his rights by his senior girls flees to France after which he is restored as King and Cordellia becomes his replacement. Other theories include the self-destruction of Cordellia, but Shakespeare # 8217 ; s rule beginning for the drama was # 8220 ; The history history of King Lear # 8221 ; . Other possible influences for the drama could hold included the common people narrative of Cinderella and the Salt and the narrative of Agamemnon and Iphegenia, both which trade with Parent kid relationship # 8217 ; s which is one of King Lear # 8217 ; s of import subjects. King Lear is more than the narrative of a Monarch and his divided kingdom ; it deals with the facts of life and jobs blighting parent kid relationships which more than of all time hold relevancy to present times. The first scene of the drama thrusts the audience into the secret plan with its fast development. Kent # 8217 ; s really opening line is a foreteller to conflict between the Dukes of Albany and Cornwall when he speaks of the male monarch preferring Albany to Cornwall. The conversation that follows between Kent and Gloucester about Lear aid uncover the capriciousness and unreason of Lear. The undermentioned lines spoken by Gloucester uncover the subject of parent kid relationships when he speaks of his # 8220 ; bastard boy # 8221 ; Edmond he says # 8221 ; I have so frequently blushed to admit him, that now I am brazed to # 8217 ; t # 8221 ; . He subsequently refers to him as # 8220 ; Whoreson # 8221 ; . The alteration in linguistic communication used after the reaching of King Lear from colloquial to versify shows today # 8217 ; s reader the structured society of that period and the importance of a King and Kingship on the whole. King Lear # 8217 ; s opening address further reveals his unreason a nd eccentricity portraying him as narcissistic and egoistic. What kind of a male parent would inquire three of his girls to # 8220 ; state doth love us most # 8221 ; to inherit wealth or lands? Gonerill reaction is # 8216 ; excessively good to be true # 8217 ; . She speaks in Hyperbole, which illustrates her shallowness to all except King Lear who is blinded by his self-importance and self-deceit, which does non let him to comprehend the truth. Gonerill # 8217 ; s address depicts herself as a crisp individual who can easy pull strings linguistic communication for her convenience. The lines # 8220 ; I love you more than word can exert the affair # 8221 ; demo these features. Regan speaks genuinely when she says ; # 8220 ; I am made of that self-mettle of my sister # 8221 ; . Her lines portray her as 1 who lives in Gonerill shadow and one who follows her senior sister, particularly in her otiose and shallow character. As her sisters are occupied showing unreal love for their male parent Cordellia, one who truly loves her male parent is lost and doesn # 8217 ; t cognize what to make. This is apparent in what she utters aside phrases like # 8220 ; Love, and be soundless # 8221 ; and # 8220 ; I am certain my love # 8217 ; s more heavy than my lingua # 8221 ; . Both quotation marks are directed towards avoidance of Regan and Gonerill # 8217 ; s reaction to King Lear. King Lear reference to Cordellia # 8220 ; What can you state to pull a 3rd more deluxe than your sisters # 8221 ; show that he is already colored towards her, cognizing that she loves him most. This is perchance a ground why the senior sisters do non love the male monarch, since he has shown bias towards Cordellia throughout the Ir childhood. Cordellia effectual response â€Å"Nothing†to King Lear’s inquiry strikes the King’s self-importance and he refuses to listen to all ground, even when she points out â€Å"Why have my sisters hubbies, if they say They love you all? # 8221 ; When Lear disowns Cordellia his most loyal topic and friend Kent tries to open his eyes to the truth. Kent reacts to Lear # 8217 ; s # 8220 ; Come non between the firedrake and his wrath # 8221 ; by stating Lear to look into his # 8220 ; horrid heedlessness # 8221 ; . This exposes the fact that Kent is highly close to Lear to be able to utilize such linguistic communication and tone of voice with him, after all he is still King. Kent still attempts to blossom the truth to Lear as says # 8220 ; See better Lear # 8221 ; but Lear # 8217 ; s madness doesn # 8217 ; t let Kent to win and Lear banishes Kent. After which he calls on Burgundy and France to inform them of the occurrences. Burgundy reacts by rejecting the # 8220 ; dowerless # 8221 ; Cordellia. France on the other manus shows penetration and excepts Cordellia depicting her as # 8220 ; Fairest Cordellia, that art most rich being hapless, Most pick forsaken, and most loved detested # 8221 ; This signifier of address where antonyms are used as contradictions is known as Oxymoron. From this scene a analogue can be drawn between Gonerill, Regan and Burgundy as otiose characters, shallow human existences marred by greed and a lecherousness for power. This scene chiefly serves as an debut to each character. It introduces Kent as loyal and more rational than Lear. It introduces Gloucester as a adult male affected by the worldly and physical facets of life. Not much can be inferred of Edmond other than the fact that his relationship with his male parent does non look to be one of love and filial devotedness, and Gloucester does non give their relationship any ground to be so as he repeatedly insults his asshole boy. The three girl # 8217 ; s characters are exposed. Gonerill appears to be tyrannizing, otiose and shallow and Regan is portrayed as a follower of her sister. Cordellia is viewed as the ever-loving girl who will non crouch to the degrees her sisters have, since h er love can non be expressed in words. Her reply to the King # 8220 ; Nothing # 8221 ; is so much more effectual than the tedious addresss of Gonerill and Regan. The most of import disclosure of this scene is the character of King Lear. Lear is a hot headed, irrational, rash adult male who can non distinguish between truth and misrepresentation. He is so caught up in this universe of being King that he forgets that before being King he is a human being. In every Shakespearian calamity there is a defect in the lead character that consequences in his ruin and the ruin of all around him. In the instance of Hamlet it was indecisiveness # 8220 ; To be or non to be? To make or non to make? # 8221 ; etc. In the instance of King Lear it is King Lear # 8217 ; s self-importance and self-deceit that cause his ruin and we get an disposition to what this tragic defect is in the first scene. The first scene besides serves as an debut to the subjects and secret plans of the drama. The secret plan between Gloucester and Edmond is introduced in a obscure mode in the sense that we know there is a hapless relationship between them. Towards the terminal of the scene the conversation between Gonerill an Regan reveal another secret plan as they unwrap their purposes of covering with their senile male parent # 8211 ; # 8221 ; We must make something and I # 8217 ; th # 8217 ; heat # 8221 ; .The chief subjects of the drama are revealed, the subject of Blindness and Self misrepresentation are revealed via King Lear # 8217 ; s behaviour and the subject of parent kid relationships are revealed through Gloucester and Edmond, and King Lear and his girls. One of the most of import subjects of the drama of Appearance versus Reality, Lear # 8217 ; s inability to see through Gonerill # 8217 ; s use of words and Cordellia truth as untenderness all illustrate this subject. The scene besides reveals a job that will turn subsequently on in the drama of the reversal of functions and th e constitution of abnormalcy. The ostracism of Cordellia and Kent is a good illustration of this. The scene in entirety serves as debut to the drama and everything related to the drama, such as setting- the dark ages- with a batch of mention to the Moon and darkness. 363
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